Chapter 04

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Zach's POV

I wonder if Hailey's still pissed off of what happened at the locker.  And I heard rumors spreading. Fuck, I know she won't be happy with it and probably right now she hates me. Damn it, can't these people just get a room!

Tapping my foot and leaning back at my car I waited for her. I just really wanted to get to know her. The more she's being grumpy, the more interesting she gets and right now she'll probably thinks that I'm after sex since she knew about me being a playboy. Honestly I really don't have the intention of sleeping nor playing games with her. I just really want to know her. There's something in her that I haven't seen in all the girls I've met before. Hailey's different. Yup she is.

As I looked towards the school gate I saw her coming towards me. And damn, she's beautiful.

Hailey's POV

As I headed out of school, I saw the ever good looking Zach leaning back at his Lamborghini-the bomb! I put a little smile on my face as I walk towards him. I need to keep my feet together, I need to be strong! Chin up, Hailey!

"Hi Zach" I said with a smile.

"Hello, Hailey." he responded as he opened the door in the front seat and I slid myself inside his car.

"So...where are we going?" I asked..nicely. Yeah, start of something new.

"It's a surprise, princess." He grinned. That was the first time I saw him grinned that happily. My heart beats so fast, suddenly-gosh his smile is contagious!

The trip was silent. After he said it was a surprise I just nodded and didn't say a word. After a while of awkward silence he finally tried to pull out something to talk to but not the topic I wanted.

"So are you dating anyone right now?" He asked.

"If I'm dating someone why did I even agreed to this dinner with you?" I answered.

"I'll take that as nope you're not dating anyone." He smirked as he's about to say something but I interrupted.

"Wait, how about your girlfriend?" I asked. "Don't worry I won't tell anyone about this dinner we're having." I added not giving him a chance to speak. I shift my position to facing the window.

"Actually for your information, I'm not seeing anyone. I never had a real girlfriend before." He groaned.

Ugh I feel bad. Now I felt like I owe him an apology. Me and my mouth! "Sorry" I murmured.

"What was that? Sorry from you?" He smirked. "Fine you're forgiven."

I just smiled. "Are we there yet?"

"Nope" he said.

After few minutes, "Are we there yet?" I asked again.

And he said again "Nope, not yet. Be patient."

After we passed through some stop lights. I asked "Are we-"

"Not yet!" He answered and I can see that he's annoyed with me kept on asking him ha! I just mentally giggled.

After 2 minutes, he finally grinned "We're here."

"Yes! Thank God! I'm starving!" I shouted with glee. Hell yeah. I am really starving!

Then Zach parked the car and went out first to open the door on my side. He's a gentleman, how cute. Lol hot boys shouldn't be called cute it'll turn them into gay! I laughed so hard in my mind imagining Zach's turning into a gay! 

I went out of the car and standing beside me is the ever charming Zach. I have to admit his Bvlgari perfume makes my head go crazy! We stare at each other not so long something interrupted us *kroo kroo* it was my stomach! How embarrassing! I could feel my face turning tomato! God kill me now!

He laughed "Let's get going. I think your stomach can't wait." I can feel his warm hand wrapping around my waist. It feels good, to be honest I feel safe around him. And that made my heart beats even faster than before.

Oops I think he noticed, "Are you alright?"

I paused "Huh? Uh...yeah" obviously lying.

"Maybe you're just hungry, come on." He chuckled.

Before I could say anything else, a girl's voice interrupted. "Good evening sir, ma'am. Do you have a reservation?" Oh the receptionist of this restaurant. I looked up and this place isn't new to me! This is where me and my parents always eat. It's interior and exterior are luxurious as ever! I wonder if Zach and his parents eat here also?

"Yes uh, reservation for Mr. Anderson." He responded.

"Ah, yes sir. Come this way." She then showed the way to our table.

As we were about to sit down, I hear a sharp annoying voice. "Zachy, baby!"

Excuse me, but who is she? And baby, seriously? I knew it...thinking he was too good to be true.

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