Chapter 32

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Hailey's POV

-At school-

"Hails!" Tori came running at me sobbing terribly. "Tori what's the matter? What happened?!" I was surprised.

"I can't take it anymore! I'm in love with River! But...but...I don't know if he feels the same way or he's just playing with me...Hailey help me! What do I do? I mean we're not together or anything, but ugh!" She then lean on my shoulder as tears streaming down her cheeks.

Then I saw Zach, James and River standing behind us. I think they heard everything, well that's just perfect so River would now know how she really feels. I just hug Tori so tight giving her all my warmth and patting her at the back. I feel really bad for her, I wanted to help her but I just don't know how.

Then I slowly lift her face up, holy cow her smudged eyeliner and mascara! She looks terrible! I quickly pulled out a tissue from my bag, good thing I'm a girl scout! Then I help her wipe her make up off, "There much better." I said.

"Hey Tori... Look at me girl...shh stop crying. You never cried for a guy before so why now? Why River? Remember what you always told me? 'Only cry over a man, if that's your father or your brother.' You told me also that boys who left or hurt us will be the one crying, not told me that when we're still in our high school days, remember? Tori you're stronger, prettier, and sexier than I am, I'm sure they're thousands of boys who's drooling over you. Oh come on River's not the only fish in the ocean right?" I said while flashing a quick stare at River. His face is full of guilt.

I think River heard everything I just said, I mean they're standing near us. Ha! One of my ninja moves. Bwahaha! Am I a genius or what?

"....but River's different. He's not just like other boys Hailey, I don't think I'll ever find a guy better than River. When I'm not happy he always finds way to make me laugh, when I'm sick he always made sure that I eat right, when I'm alone he always made sure that he's there for me. Now tell me Hailey did Niall, Harry, Zayn, Liam or even Louis done those stuffs to me? No. Did they ever let me feel that I was important to them? No. Hailey..." She burst into tears again and lean on my shoulder as I let her.

"Tori...I..." Seeing her like this I also burst into tears just not as much as Tori cried. "It's gonna be okay. I'm here for you, always keep that in your mind. I'm so sorry if the past weeks I wasn't there for you. I'll make it up to you, I promise. I'm a horrible best friend Tori, sorry."

"Bitch why are you saying sorry? If anyone should be saying sorry it's that fucking River! I allow myself to fall for him even though...What!" Tori cried but someone hugged her from behind.

"I'm so sorry Victoria Loise. I'm a dick, an asshole, a pussy. I'm sorry I put you in so much pain. I'm sorry you have to feel this way. I'm sorry for disappointing you. I'm sorry if me being a playboy haven't change. I'm sorry for letting you wait. I'm sorry for making you cry. Stop crying please? Every single drop of your tears is my fucking fault. You're right, you shouldn't be crying over a bastard like me. I don't deserve a girl like you, you're too perfect and beautiful for me." River came hugging Tori on the shoulders real tight.

"Babe let's give them some space." Zach walk towards me and grab my hand as I follow him.

Tori's POV

I turned around and saw River sat beside me, his face looks so pale and guilty. "Uh River.. I"
I try to say something but I just couldn't, I was too hurt. I think I just care for him too much.

"Tori, I wanted you to know that...I care for you, and I'm in love with you. But before anything else, hear me out. First, you see I have commitment issues, I dated a lot of girls before but it just ended within a week. I don't want that to happen to us, I don't wanna hurt you. I am a playboy, a bastard who just enjoy playing with girls' heart and after sleeping with them I'll get tired and in the end I'll just leave them on the bed. That's who I really am, Tori. And of all facts, this is the truth, I really wanted to be with you. I love you Victoria Loise, but I don't want you to get hurt. after hearing who the 'real River', tell me again that you love me and wanted to stay with me." River let out a big sigh and he put his arm on my shoulder.

Without any hesitation, I said weakly, "I love you and I still wanted to be with you. I know who the fuck you are River but I don't care."

"You. Are. An. Amazing. Woman." He said while looking at me in the eyes. "I promise you, I will change for you because I love you. I will never give up in this relationship because I wanted to stay with you. " He added.

"River you don't know how happy I am right now." I burst into tears again. "Then why are you crying?" He look confused.

"Tears of joy, asshole!" I let out a small laugh. "Tori, I'm sorry if the way I confess and asking you to be my girlfriend is not as romantic as you expect. I even let you cry. I'll make it up to you baby." He kissed my forehead.

"Shit River that's okay! Being all romantic in the beginning is too cliché, I like being different." I joked. I was kinda expecting flowers or romantic dinner, but who the fucking hell cares.

His eyes are on mine, and his face slowly lean on me that makes our lips smashed. This time, the kiss was surreal. It was all sparks and fireworks! Until I heard someone coughing in front of us.

"Ehem!" It was James who just crossed his arms staring at us.

"Oh hi Hailey!" I then turned to Hailey who's standing beside Zach, she's giving me the 'smile'.

"I think I'll leave you two alone. See you later baby." He winked at me and that made me giggle
"Come on brothers, it's time for a celebration." He tugged Zach and James on the shoulders and they left me and Hailey.

"We should celebrate also girl!" Hailey yelped.

"Shopping spree!" We both squealed together and laughed.

Then I went inside Hailey's car, and she drove the both of us to the mall, a place we call 'our safe haven'!

"I'm so happy for you Tori, I really am. I just hope River know how to keep his words." Hailey said smiling at me.

"Come what may, Hailey. I'm just so thrilled right now." I laughed while shaking my head.

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