Chapter 45

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Hailey's POV


I have to admit last week was definitely one of the best times. Our anniversary was magical, the sex- I'm left with no words.

I am unconditionally in love with a playboy. I love every inch of that boy. I love you, Zachary Anderson. 

*Ring ringgg*


"Hi babe. I missed you already."

"Idiot. But I missed you too."

"I can't wait to see you again and taste you-"

"Stop it you perv!"

I can hear his evil laugh.

"Okay chill babe, I called because I wanted to tell you that our house's throwing a party later and your coming. And wear something formal, the party's theme is formal. I'll pick you up at 6"

I didn't even say a word and he knew what's in my mind, cool.

"Okay babe. See you later."

"See you later my sugar."
Before he hangs up, I can hear a little smirking. Jerk.
It's 3 in the afternoon, I guess I should start preparing for the party, I don't wanna keep Captain Hook waiting. I scan my closet and I think I'll wear something bright tonight. I picked a red long Dior gown, it's a simple tube gown. My cleavage is not that exposing and the only exposing here is the curve of my body, it's making me look elegant and tall which is what I love about this dress. After slidding into my red Jimmy Choo stilettos, I put on the Z necklace on my neck and diamond bracelets on my wrists and some dangling diamond earrings on my ear. I put on light make up and tied my hair in a messy bun. I stood up in front of the mirror and I got to say, I look stunning. I checked the time and it's 5:50 already. Just in time, Hailey! Lastly I grab my red YSL clutch and went down to the living room.

"You look perfect, Hailey." I heard a deep voice and shocking when I looked up it was Zach, "You look ravishing yourself in your suit, Zachary." I said giggling.

I wrapped my hand on his arm and we went inside his limo and drove off to his place.
When we went out his limo, woah what party is this? There are so many people here! And I thought I'm overdressed but the people here, just wow.

"Uh Zach, why are your parents throwing a party? What's up?" I asked as he laughed softly, "Sugar, you and your humor. It's just a special party, you'll see."

Special? I'm very curious, and you know curiosity kills. What did he meant by 'you'll see'? What to see? All I'm seeing is high class and influential people, even the partners of my parents and my relatives are all here! Our old friends are also all here and the food- YUM I SAW DESSERTS.

We saw River and the others and we walked toward them, "Tori!" I hugged Tori and I also greeted James and River. "You look great guys!" I said.

"Aren't you the same?" Tori teased. "You are going to love what-" then River elbowed her, "Oh uh, we'll just get some drinks darling. See you later." Tori gives me a kiss on the cheek and left, while River left with her also. "I got to go too, laters!" James waved goodbye.

"What was that all about?" I turned to Zach. "Don't know. Let's go, my parents are waiting for you." Zach quickly grab my hands and we walk to his parents' direction.
We walked towards his parents with my hand still on his arm. "Hi Hailey! Glad you made it, darling." Her mom came hugging me. "You look lovely tonight, honey." She added.

"Good evening aunt Lucy, uncle George. And you look amazing yourself Aunt Lucy." I smiled.

"Sweetheart, my you look gorgeous!" Wait this voice, very familiar!

When I turned around I saw my parents! "Mom! Dad! When?...but I thought-" I just hugged them both.

"Well when we hear that the Andersons are throwing a party, we wouldn't want to miss it." My dad said.

"Nice to see you again, uncle aunt." Zach greeted and kissed my mom on the cheek. He sure knows how to impress people.

"Enough talking and let's go eat. We have your seats in our table, we'll be all sitting together." George interrupted and we all nod and followed him to the table.

I turned around and people were having a great time chatting and I can see their faces satisfied with the food, well even I, the food tastes like heaven! And I notice Zach's not beside me, where is he?

"May I have your attention." We all turned around to him and Zach's standing on stage.
Zach's on the stage! Why is he up there? Making his speech? For what? So many questions running in my head right now.
"Uh, Hailey Westwood, please join me here." Zach smirked.
Why? I'm surprised. What am I going to do up there on stage with you?

Left with no choice, I stood up and do as he told. My parents and his parents are just smiling at us. What is happening?

"Thank you babe." He said and the audience goes awe, I just stood there smiling embarrassingly. What the fuck.

"Okay, uhm. I'm going to sing a song but it's not for you babe, instead it's for your father." Zach looked at me and I just laughed and so as my parents and everyone. My father? Fuck is happening!

The music starts playing and I can see he's serious.

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