Chapter 07

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Hailey's POV

*Hhhmmmm* I yawned and got out of bed. I look at the time and it's still 6 am, why it's still early! It's been a week after Mr. Perfect asked me out for dinner, wow, time flies so fast!

I went inside my closet and picked a black Versace dress. It was simple, sleeveless, and knee-length dress. I guess it won't hurt wearing a dress to school. And I tied my hair in a pony-tail style, I just love looking simple and elegant at the same time. And I grab my white Chanel handbag and head out my closet.

*Beep beep* I wonder who texted me, must be Tori...

Hey sleepyhead! 😉 So are you ready? I'll be there in 15 minutes to pick you up 😊👍

It was from Zach! How did he got my number? I don't remember giving him my number.

No need, as you see I have my own car. Thanks anyway ☺️

*Beep beep* that was fast!

Are you sure you don't want to go to school together, beautiful? 😉

That compliment won't work on me, so stop trying 😂 Bye!

Whatever. See you at school Westwood 😏

Then I didn't reply anymore, God his moves are cheap and I laughed.

As I arrived at school, there's this girl approached me and said "Stay away from Zach, bitch! Just because you're a heiress and you can have everything in the world doesn't mean you can have Zach, too!" Right, it was Chloe Dawn. Obviously she's one of Zach's ex. "What's your problem? Be my pleasure to tell Zach to stay away from me. FYI he was the one who asked me to dinner week ago, he's always the first one to approach me. So if you're jealous, go talk to your knight, not me! And please leave me out of this crazy drama of yours. I don't have any intention to take YOUR man away from you." Then I walked out on her. I can see she's totally pissed of me as I am pissed of her also! I saw Zach, River and James standing there smirking at me. Now what's their problem? I rolled my eyes and ignored them and proceed to class.

Zach's POV

"She's tough!" James said as I can see he's impressed of Hailey.

"Well I'm not surprised." I scuffed.

It was after lunch and I haven't had a word with Hailey. Where could she be? Then I went to the court to look for River, since he's playing basketball. I saw Hailey with Victoria sitting at the bench.

Then as I was about to exit the court, I heard someone shouted. When I turn around, I see Hailey on the floor! I rushed to where Hailey is. I carried her out, bridal style to be exact. Then Tori said "Hurry let's bring her to the clinic!" I nodded as we hurriedly went to the clinic.

"Nurse what's wrong with her?" Tori asked.

"She fainted because she ran out of air. Her asthma attacked." Nurse said "She just needed some air and some rest."

"So she's asthmatic. She never mentioned that to me." I said as I stand beside Hailey.

"Yup, I guess she just doesn't talk much about her condition, huh." Tori smirked.

Hailey's POV

Ouch! My lungs hurt, I can't breathe easy. What happened? I opened my eyes to see Zach and Tori standing in front of me.

"What happened Tori? Why are we here?" I asked Tori.

"Your asthma attaked. Thank God you're alright." She replied. "Oh and you have to thank Zach, he carried you here" she added and wiggled her eyebrow.

"Oh -uh thanks." I looked up to Zach and he smiled back.

"I guess I'll leave you two alone." Tori then leaves us.

"Wait-" but too late she already left.

"Why didn't you tell me that you're asthmatic?" He questioned.

"You never asked." I murmured and looked away.

"Don't be rude. I just saved your ass." He leans toward me.

As I was getting up, his hand grab my arm. "Excuse me?" I said.

"Are you sure you can move?" He responded. "I'm fine, it's just asthma. No big deal." I said pulling his hand away from my arm.

"Nope, you're not. I'll drive you home." He demanded.

"Wait, what? No, I still have class and my car-"

He interrupted. "I already told the professors that you won't be attending class due to your conditions- blah blah- so you're excused. As for your car, I'll have Stan to pick it up. So I won't take no for an answer."

"Okay." I just obediently nodded. And he's right I'm not in the mood to attend class so a day off is a great idea!

"Good girl!" He patted my head like a dog. The hell- I'm not a dog.

Playboy's being sweet...that's uh, his way of being playboy? Well if it is, I must not fell for it!

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