Chapter 40

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Before you continue reading, let me say a few words first.

-I've decided that I wont be deleting anymore this story.
-I have realized I was being unreasonable.
-"Something worth having is definitely worth waiting" So yeah maybe I will have to be very patient to get what I want, which is your votes.
-I received a message from a reader asking why am I this desperate. Well why wouldn't I? First, I worked very hard in this book. Second, I just wanted people to appreciate not just me but my works.
-My life isn't what you guys think it is. No rainbows, no unicorns. Just those endless shits I have to deal everyday.
-Since my life is a failure, that is the reason why I started writing here in wattpad. I get to write my own story, I get to feel that I am that character in the book that is loved by everyone. When writing, I am imagining myself doing all those shopping spree, experiencing love life, and having friends that are surreal.
-You see my point? I am sure there's about 50% of the authors that is feeling the same as me.
-This is my "tranquilizer", if that's what you called it.
-You guys not voting is really not helping me. What's with 5 seconds of clicking that vote?
-P.S. I am a very sensitive and easily get discouraged type of person.
-So please if you still want to continue VOTE FOR MY STORY, I will burst in tears if you will. (Not lying)
-If you think I am being immature then I am not sorry for that, you just need to be more understanding. Imagine if you were in my shoe, I doubt you won't do the same.
-Yes, this story will go on.
-I planned to end this story after 20 more chapters.
-Yup, watch out for unexpected things that will happen! *laughs so evilly*
-What to expect? That is for you to find out! :)
-Thank you and I hope I have convinced you guys, even just a little...


Zach's POV

What the fuck is wrong with my girlfriend? She's not seriously letting me spend a night with other girls.... Ass! A million dollar doesn't even burn a hole in her own money!

Hailey Westwood you better start your bidding or else I'm seriously gonna spank you hard!

"$1 million dollars!" A sudden roar. "ONE MILLION DOLLARS FROM SAMANTHA JONES AGAIN! WOW!" The host and everyone applauded and were still in shock! "Okay now I'm very sure no one's bidding higher than that!" The host looks pretty sure about this but he's wrong. I saw Samantha stood up and ready to come up the stage. Bitch don't come any near me, asshole, fucker!

"Going once....going twice...."

Hailey's POV

"Two million dollars." I stood up and I can see everyone's jaw dropped, especially Samantha's.

"Finally!" James just shake his head and laughed. I can see River and Tori sighed in relief.

"T-two million dollars?!" The host can't barely breathe and it's funny. Thank God my mom had deposited extra cash, that means the money I'll donate tonight didn't touch my savings.

"Two million dollars from... Mr. Henry and Mrs. Claire's only child, Hailey Westwood, everyone! She just broke the record!" The host was shocked, as for everybody their jaws are still dropped. I can see that Zach's face was in relief now. "Two million going once...going twice..." The host said as I turned to see Samantha's face burning in anger! Ha! Taste that you wicked witch!

"And sold to the one and only Ms. Hailey Weswood." The host now wipe the sweat on his forehead. Everyone's still clapping their hands maybe they're amused that I have bid so big! I went up the stairs gracefully as I saw Samantha's face spanked!

"You look lovely, Ms. Westwood." The host giggled. "Cheers again to the highest bidder tonight!" The host cheered as everyone applauded."Thank you." I chortled and turned to Zach, this dick don't know what he just did.

"You donated a lot and by lot I mean a lot of money tonight, Ms. Westwood." The host turned his mic on me.

"I did, for the children of course." I smiled then ended my speech. Everyone clapped for me except for Samantha who stormed out this room.

"Thank you Ms. Hailey! And because you have such a big heart, you won..." The host pointing at Zach with a big grin on his face.

"Uh yes," I just rolled my eyes and grab Zach's arm and we walked out of the stage. Everyone then applauded to us

Guys we're not getting married stop clapping as if we are! As we're going back to our table, "And I thought you're going to let Samantha have me." Zach finally spoked.

"Nope never am I loosing you to her! And I swear do that again next time, I'm really ignoring you!" I warned him as he just raised his hands and smiled. I intwined my fingers to his as he smirked.

We reached our table and sat down, "Wow Hailey, $2 million... Who would've thought." James just laughed.

"You should've seen the reaction of Sam!" I bursted out laughing. "Girl, you did that on purpose." Tori then gave me a thumbs up.

"Yup! I know she'll bid! I just wanted to know how far she'll bid then I'll just surprise her and I did!" I said still laughing.

"So not bidding from the start and waited til' last was your plan? My girlfriend's too sneaky, I should be careful." Zach teased looking at me.

"You thought I don't know how to play?" I teased back.

"I never thought I'll even play tonight but I did, for you." I turned to Zach and smiled. "Now you know how much I love you." I added. "Yes, and I'm pretty sure if you're auctioned, I'll bid everything I have for you. Cos' I love you more than you love me." He said staring and slowly we kissed but it was a flash since Tori and others are still on the table.

"Get a room you two!" James snorted.

"You're just jealous dude." Zach teased. "Never!" James gave him a smirk in return.

"Ma'am are you going to pay through transfer of money in bank account or?" A lady approached me.

"Ah yes, I'm paying right now. Where do I go?" I asked politely. "This way Ma'am." She gave me directions as I stood up to follow her. And I saw Zach following from behind, my protective boyfriend.

"Miss Hailey, this is the head of the foundation. Mrs. Jackerberry this is Hailey Westwood, only child of the owner of Bank of The Eagles and Empire State Hotel."

Wow what a way to introduce me to guests. Should they really mention what my parents own? People these days..

"Ah yes I've heard so much about you Hailey! Send my regards to Claire and Henry, dear. And thank you for the donation! I guarantee you, all the money will go to the children." She said smiling.

"I will Mrs. Jackerberry.  And it's my pleasure to help." I answered politely. And I pulled out a blank check and wrote the $2 million dollars I bid. "There you go Mrs. Jackerberry." I said handling her the check.

"Thank you again. Excuse me as I have to give this to the management." I just nodded and she left.

Woah and that's how another $2 million dollars disappeared from my account.

"You're making this hard for me, Hailey." I quickly turned to Zach. "What?" I asked.

"You're just too sexy and hot! It's making me..." Before he even continues, I cut him off. "Stop it! Now let's go back to our table, Anderson." I rolled my eyes and grab his hand.

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