Chapter 41

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I'm dedicating this chapter to @SHAWTDOGGGGGGG ❤️ Thank you, and you're amazing!

Zach's POV

And I thought I was going home with that slut, Samantha. I knew it, my babe won't allow that. *laughs* Her sexy ass is really making it hard for me, I just wanted to pull her on my lap and make out with her now!

Then I heard, "Tori look! It's that necklace I've been searching for a year!" Hailey quickly grab Tori's arm.

"Don't tell me you still want that necklace?" Tori asked Hailey. "I don't know. Something about that necklace making me fall in love with it!" Hailey's still staring at the necklace. I can see she really wants that necklace, a big round cut sapphire gem with diamonds surrounding it. I see this necklace's very expensive.

"Next item to bid is 'The heart of The Ocean' from the first lady." The host announced. "There's no other replica of this necklace, as this is specially made. One of a kind necklace." The host added.

I can see everyone in this room are interested with that necklace, including my babe. If my sugar wants that necklace, then she's having that necklace.

"$350,000." Mr. Yoshimata bid.

"$555,000" a man shouted.

Another girl yelled back, "$700,000"

"$820,00!" The woman in black shouted.

"$820,000 going once!" The host said but of course I cut him off. "$1,000,000" I raised my hand.

"What are you doing Zach?" Hailey asked.

"You want the necklace, right? Then I'm giving you what you want." I smirked.

"$1,000,000 going once... Going twice...." The host said and I can see no one's going to bid again. That makes it easier for me.

The host then announced. "Sold! To Mr. Zachary Anderson!" I stood up and went to the stage to get the necklace for my babe. I returned to the table with a smiling Hailey.

"There you go sugar, your necklace." I said giving her.

"Are you sure? You shouldn't have." Hailey being shy but I can see it on her face she wanted it badly. I nodded as she took the necklace.

"Thank you, babe." She kissed me on the cheek. "Anything for my sugar." I smiled. I am glad I made her happy.

That was quite a night! The event then ended. Some of the guests leave already and some are still chatting.

"Hey bro, Tori and I are going. I'll see you tomorrow." River said to me as Hailey an Tori's hugging each other.

"Me too! I'm meeting Natalia tonight." James smirked and we all laughed.

"Bye guys." I said to the both of them.

"Baby, let's go?" I asked Hailey as she nodded. I intertwined my fingers to hers and we leave the place together. We reached our car and I opened the door for her, and she slid inside.

"Zach, thank you again for the necklace." Hailey kissed me softly again this time on the lips

"If that necklace makes you kiss me more often then it's worth it. Seriously, you're welcome, sugar." I said to her.

"And thank you for spending $2 million dollars on my stupid test." I thanked her as she laughed. "I enjoyed seeing Samantha pissed off, yup that was worth it. You're welcome, babe. I'm not giving you easily to other people." She smirked.

"You wanna go home?" I asked her.

"Yeah I'm feeling exhausted." She yawned. And I nodded.

I drove to her house as she went to her room and fall asleep. It was an unforgettable night to the both of us.

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