Chapter 27

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Hailey's POV

"Anderson answer me! Where are you taking me?" I shouted.

"Please stop shouting. We're almost there." He said calmly.

Wait why am I the only one panicking here? Why is he so calm? I feel my whole body getting cold, I'm very nervous. As I secretly took a glance at him, his face was normal. Wait what's going on?

"We're here." He said grinning. "Where ar-" I was interrupted by the beauty of this place. I can see the city from up here, it's like I'm on top of the world. The wind is strong and so breezy, and the view is breathtaking! Why did he brought me here? "Wow" I murmured.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" He asked and softened a smile.

"Yea-Yes." then I noticed why am I talking to him, I should be ignoring him.

"I'm sorry." He whispered to me surprisingly while hugging from the back.

"Hey let go! And you are...Sorry? For what?" Then I turned around and stares at him.

"For overhearing your conversation with Tori, for being rude at you sometimes, for disrespecting you, and for being so slow. I should've already said how I really feel towards you but I was afraid that you didn't feel the same way. I really like you Hailey. I know I'm a little late for saying all these but hey...what do you expect...I'm Zachary Anderson. It's not easy to confess my feelings, I mean I've never done something like this before. That's why you're lucky... but honestly... the lucky one here is me. I know you wanted a prince charming of your own and let me tell you I'm no prince, but if you really want I can wear weird costumes and capes then ride horses and sing when I talk, then we'll live happily ever after. Since the day I've met you, you've changed me...a lot. You're really special to me. And I promise you, as long as I live I will protect you, even if it means catching a grenade for you. Ms. Hailey Westwood, I have surrendered myself to you.... I want.... I mean...Will my girlfriend?" He let out a big sighed.

That leaves me speechless! He is so hot when he confess...and my heart really melted. I was really touched. I wanted to say I like you too, and I love you too but I have to assure first.

"Zach. I don't know..what to say. I-" I murmured. "It's okay. I'm sorry if I scared you." He said with smile.

"Are you sure you're not drunk?" I asked, half joke and half meant.

"Nope. I'm fine" he sighed. "You don't have to answer me right away... It's okay, really. But if you fall for me, you know I'll be here catching and waiting for you." He winks.

"But I already did" I mumbled.

"What's that?" He said.

"Nothing." I looked and walked away.

"No, I heard something." He smirked while walking towards me. He then took and holds my hand tight.

"You heard what?" I remove my hand from his. I blushed.

"You said 'I already did' I was just making sure I heard the right words." He suddenly reached for my hand and intertwined his fingers to mine that made my heart pump faster. I didn't let go because I wanted this.

"You..uh... heard the right words." I slowly look him in the eyes while our hands still intertwined.

"So you love me too?...And you're willing to be my girl?" He asked pulling me closer with his arms around my waist hugging me tightly.

If I won't tell him I love him then there won't be another chance. I can do this! "I-I love you too, Zach. And, uh... yes...I'm willing to be your girl."

He leaned closer. Inch by inch, closing the gap between us until it was really, really close! Then we stared at each other for maybe two seconds, then his lips move slowly to mine. The kiss was divine. Sweet, soft and gentle. I entwined my arms to his neck and he wrapped both his arms around my waist drawing me even closer to him.  You know those fireworks that goes up on the 4th of July? Yup that's how wonderful our kiss were, full of colors and sparks.

"Now that's a kiss!" He smirked.

Then he kissed me again on the lips and this time slowly to my neck. It tickles but I still let him.

"And that leaves a mark." He smirks again and pointed at my neck. "That means you're mine, every single part of you is mine."

"You're pretty possessive" I chuckled. 

"Oh yes I am. What's mine is mine." He said with serious face.

"Okay Anderson. Now it's my turn." He raised an eyebrow looking at me, I continues "You're my boyfriend now, so don't you dare go flirting with some random girls. I swear there's no 'second chance' in my vocabulary." I said furiously.

"Yes master." Then he kissed me on the forehead. "You're possessive yourself." He said while I just gave him a sweet smile.

"I can't believe you're mine, it took me a lot of courage and determination you know." He said while I laughed.

"Thank you,...thank you for not giving up on me." I hugged him tightly.

"Never." It was the way he looked at me. I'd never been looked at like that by any man in my life and it made me feel all sorts of way I'd never felt and I couldn't wait for more.

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