Chapter 09

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Hailey's POV

"Yey for food!" I said with glee.

"Pig." He smirked.

"I'm not a pig, I'm just really hungry." I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, right. You're always hungry." He responded.

I ignored him and sit in the dining chair as he sat beside me as well. After dinner I went to the windows to see if the rain has stop, and guess what? It's raining really hard outside, and there's no way he'll leave. Well, I kinda agree to what he said that it's really dangerous to drive during heavy rain.

"Sonia please prepare the guest room for our...uh, guest." I said.

"No need for that. I can just stay at Ms. Hailey's room, Sonia." He said.

"No, no for that young man! You two can't sleep together. I'll have your room prepared." Sonia replied and went to the guest room.

I gave Zach a victorious grin and wiggled my eyebrow since that he won't be sleeping in my room. That leaves me and Zach alone while Sonia go and prepare the guest room.

"So you play video games?" Zach said.

"How did you know?" I questioned.

"How would I know? Let's see, uh, I don't know, maybe because I was in your room earlier." He said to me like I asked a stupid question, how rude.

"Oh yeah. So wanna play?" Before a minute he replied "Oh sure, but don't cry if I win." He smirked.

"Don't you underestimate me, Mr. Zachary Anderson!" I pointed at him like I'm confident that I'll win, so high of me ha!

"You got nerves, Westwood." He grabs my hand and pull me closer to him. What is he doing now? "Let's go and play, shall we?" I quickly pulled away and save my butt.

"Okay! Since you're the visitor, I'll let you choose what we are playing." I said clasped my hands together.

"Why not let's make the game more interesting?" He grinned.

"What's on your mind then?" I asked. I have a bad idea about this.

"The winner gets the loser to do whatever the winner wants. Simple. So do we have a deal?" He smirked.

"Uh...Wait, may I know first what video game are we playing?" I asked and obviously I'm a little nervous.

"Tekken 3." He added. "So deal?"

Okay honestly I'm not that bad at Tekken so maybe I have a chance of winning then again of course he's better since he's more experienced in this. If I don't say deal he may think I'm weak, I want to prove to him I'm strong enough.

"Earth to Hailey?" He snapped his finger near my left ear.

"Oh sorry. Okay deal." What did I just said? Deal? Omg God bless me please.

"Okay, great! Let's play!" He said and there, we started playing.

So how did this little game end? Well let's see I won five times and so as he, it's a tie!

He pressed the pause button. "You're pretty good at this. Not expecting a heiress will have the interest to play this kind of game."

I need to win this last round! Maybe I'll seduce him? Haha so he'll lose his concentration. Wait ew, hell no! Maybe if I really seduce him he'll think I'm desperate of him. No way! Maybe I'll just use my charm, but his charm are more effective.

"Let us do some stretching before continuing the game, is that okay?" I asked him with a smile.

"Sure why not." He nodded.

As I get up I started to stretch and raise my hands way up, my shirt also rises together with my arm making my waist exposing. I took a quick glance at him and I knew it, he'll look. Is my plan working?

"Let's continue?" I leaned very close to him and smiled.

"Okay." He answered.

After the very last minute...

Shit! No! No! Why did I lose to him? Is this karma? But I didn't cheat! Damn it!

"Shit! Ugh, not fair!" I cried.

"I won." He laughs and stood up in front of me.

I stand up against him. "Okay fine, deal is a deal. What do you want me to do?" I said unhappily with my arms crossed.

"I want tell Sonia that I'll be sleeping tonight in your room." He finally revealed what he wanted.

"No way! We're not sleeping together!" I yelled.

"Relax, I won't do anything. Just that you'll be sleeping beside me. That's it." He calm me down.

"Really? Just a good night sleep, that's it?" I stare at his eyes.

"Unless you wanted more." He slowly leaned closer to me. And touches my shoulder, sending vibrations all over my body.

I shivered and pushed him away. "Hell you wish!" Then I walked out of the room to tell Sonia about it.

"Sonia? Uhmm, Zach will be sleeping in my room tongiht." I said slowly.

"Ms. Hailey but-" before she even continues I cut her off. "It's okay, he'll be sleeping on the couch." I lied.

"Oh if that's the case Ms. Hailey then I suppose that's okay." Sonia grinned and nodded slowly.

"Thanks Sonia and sorry for even bothering you preparing the guest room." I said with guilt. Guilty because I lied about Zach sleeping on the couch and letting her prepare the guest room.

"It's okay Ms. Hailey. Goodnight" she smiled and walk in her room.

Then I returned to my room as I can see Zach on my bed and comforter covering his body.

"Happy? I already told Sonia that you'll be sleeping here." I said as I lock the door.

"Why do you need to lock the door, Westwood? Are you-" He said but he didn't get to finish as I interrupted him. "Get your mind out of the gutter, Zach. I locked the door because I told her you'll be sleeping on the couch. I know she'll freak if she finds out we're sleeping on one bed dumbass"

Then I hopped onto my side of the bed. I felt his arm wrapping my waist and pulled me closer. "Hey what ar-"

"Relax, I'm just hugging that's all. Now go to sleep, princess" he whispered and he's tucking my hair. That feels good! I couldn't even feel the coldness of the air conditioner with his arm around me. And because of that I fell asleep.

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