Hey Guys!!!

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Hey everyone I'm back with a new and improved version of my story previously titled "Born a Monster." These first couple of chapters will go up right away but after that they'll start coming every Friday or Saturday. Thank you for supporting my story and I hope you enjoy!


I know that, as it stands, the beginning chapters of Our Love Could Be Lethal (OLCBL) are not the best in terms of quality. They were written by a much younger, much less trained and educated creative writer than I am now. I am so thankful that a younger me had the vision to start this ambitious undertaking of a story, but now the time has come to go back to the beginning to ensure that you as readers get the best experience possible, and I can tell the story exactly as I want it to be told. Large parts of the "old" chapters are no longer up to my current standards and had been weighing on my mind heavily as I felt their quality was disjointedly and jarringly far from the quality of more current chapters like those in Act III. 

The Re-Write version can be found on my page and it will remain as a separate book until Act I is completely re-written, so it can be uploaded back here all at the same time to ensure that 1) readers will not have to read a disjointed version of Act I with parts of re-written and parts of old material, and 2) so there aren't significant gaps in the story in the meantime. That being said, Act II will not change, so if you'd like to skip ahead there, or just prefer to keep reading the old version from the beginning, that is also up to you!

And a huge thanks to all the readers over the years who have loved and supported the story, I wouldn't be where I am now without you all!

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