The Angry Father

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Over in the Eating Hall :3

(f/n)'s POV

You giggled and held your Daddy's favorite and prized Windex close to your body, a smile gracing your chubby face. More giggles escaped you as you continued to hide underneath one of the tables, waiting for your father to come and find you. Suddenly, you heard the familiar footsteps of your father, who was angry at you for stealing his favorite Windex. You tried not to laugh loudly as he walked around looking for you. After a few minutes, you giggled and let out a loud hiccup. You covered your mouth, silently continuing to giggle as Levi stopped in his tracks. You saw him turn towards your direction, and he walked closer to your hiding spot. Soon, you came face to face with Levi and he did not look happy. "Brat, what are you doing with my Windex?" You  smiled and held the bottle close. "I just wanted to hold it that's all." As soon as you said that, you ran from underneath the table and towards the entrance doors. Your father followed, yelling your name and telling you to give the Windex back. You then ran faster, exiting the eating hall.

Levi's POV

I followed the little brat, angry that she stole my Windex.  She ran faster, and I quickened my pace. Once I exited the building, I lost sight of her. "Damn! Where did she go?" I asked myself as I quickly made my way back to my office. I entered the building, and continued to look around for the little girl. Suddenly, I spotted Hanji and I made my way over to her. "Hey shitty glasses. Have you seen my fucking daughter around here?" She shook her head no, a huge smile plastered to her face. "Nope! I have not seen her! Are you worried or something?" I frowned and flicked her forehead. "No you Titan-loving Dipshit. I just need to get my Windex back that's all." I said in an emotionless tone. Hanji laughed and poked me. "Oh you don't have to lie! I know your worried about her! She is after all a mini version of you in similar ways! I'm sure you'll find your precious Windex and little baby-" Anger boiled up inside me and I immediately kicked Hanji to the ground. I then walked off and continued to search for (f/n).

(f/n)'s POV

You ran straight for your father's office. Once you made it, you immediately got onto the stool. Your arms held the Windex up in the air, and you tried to get it back on. After a few minutes, you successfully got the Windex back in place. "Yes! Now Daddy wont be-" Before you could finish what you were saying, you heard the door slam open. The slam scared you, causing you to lose your balance. Suddenly, your body met the ground, pain shooting up your body. "Owww!" You said, tears streaming down your chubby face. "I-I'm sorry Daddy! I just w-wanted to have some f-fun with you since you are always b-busy in here!"

(i'll continue this later. please enjoy! and sorry for the late update! :3 )

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