Father vs Mother

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Levi's POV
I looked back at (Y/N) to find her passed out. I started to panic but I shook that feeling away, focusing on (M/N) again. "Are you gonna fight or run away like a coward?" My eyes searched the room, trying to look for objects that I could use. I saw rope, a hook, a broken pipe, and a spare bottle of chloroform, as well as a smoke bomb. 'I could use the hook and the rope, combine it then use that to tear the pipe down onto her. But I'd have to fill the room with smoke first. Then I could knock her out with the chloroform, giving me a chance to escape with (Y/N)'

(Y/N)'s POV
I was unconscious but for some reason, I was able to hear everything that was going on. It was really cold, and I could see my breath. "It's so cold....Please hurry Daddy." I hugged my knees and tried to get warm. "Oh God please help us."

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