Rejection and Fear

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(I would like to apologize for becoming sad in those last two author notes. I was being pathetic and complaining about something that didn't matter.....I hope you can forgive me for my stupidity.........anyway please enjoy this chapter)

All though all the Titans had been killed, something just seemed off. I had been thinking about it until it dawned on me. (F/N) was in love. I processed this, and wondered who it could be. 'As long as her heart isn't broken, then that's good. But if the guy she likes says yes, i'll make sure he doesn't hurt her. If he does, he's dead!' I sighed and prepared myself a cup of tea, waiting for (F/N)'s return.

(F/N)'s POV
I ran to Eren's room, hesitant and nervous. 'Come on (F/N) you can do this!! Just ask him' Taking a deep breath, I knocked softly on the door. For a few seconds, I heard nothing. Then the door opened, and I saw Eren with a shocked face. "(F/N)?! What are you doing here?!" "I came to ask you something important....." Shifting my feet, I bit my lip and looked into Eren's eyes. "I would like to know....if.....if....if you'd like to go out on a date with me." Eren stood there silently, something obviously on his mind. Then what he said next surprised me. "Yes." I processed what he said and smiled. Then I hugged him tightly.

Eren's POV
(F/N) hugged me and I stayed quiet. 'Fuck. I wouldn't have said yes.......but Jean said he'd pay me a big amount of coins if I said yes......shit...this is not going to go down well.' I sighed and pushed her off. "Hey I gotta go. Why don't you go see Jean? He said he needed to talk to you........" She looked at me with bright steel grey eyes then she nodded and ran off, a slight skip in her step. After she was gone, I sighed and went back into my room, locking the door. "Corporal is gonna kill me! What was I thinking?!"

Levi's POV
She wasn't back and I getting tired. 'I hope she's okay...hmm....I just realized....she's shorter than me.....I thought she'd be tall by 16....which is her age now......did she stop growing....?' I sighed and made myself more tea, dark bags visible under my grey steel colored eyes. 'Maybe I should finish wrapping her gifts since Christmas is coming soon. Now where did I put the wrapping paper?' I put my cup down and began to look around my office.

(F/N)'s POV
I skipped to Jean's room, a bright smile on my face. 'He said yes!!! Oh my god I'm so happy! I can't wait to tell Daddy!!!!!' Soon, I stopped in front of his door and I knocked. Jean immediately opened the door, a smile on his face. "Hello (F/N)! I have a favor to ask." "Sure go ahead!" "Please take this to Eren." He handed me a box and I gladly took it. After that, Jean shut the door and I headed back to Eren's room.

Jean's POV
I snickered and laughed once (F/N) was gone. "She's such an idiot." I sighed and sat down, continuing to work on my paperwork. 'Maybe I shouldn't have done that's Eren that'll get in trouble since he has to break her heart. Poor (F/N)...I guess.'

(F/N)'s POV
Once I was back at Eren's room, I knocked and he answered immediately. I smiled and handed him the box. "Hey Eren this is from Jean! Also I wanted to say that I lo-" "(F/N) stop it." I looked at him with a confused face. "What do you mean stop it?" Eren frowned and sighed. "Just go. We weren't together and we never will be. I don't love you like you love me. It was all a dare. Now go!" After that he slammed the door, leaving me with wide eyes, a glossy wall of tears threatening to fall. "B-But....." Soon the hot tears began to slip from the corners of my eyes and I sniffled, starting to cry. The tears began to come out like a mini waterfall as I turned and ran back to the office, my sobs echoing through the halls. "DADDY!!!!"

Eren's POV
I heard her crying from inside my room, and I slid down to the floor. "I am so so sorry (F/N)...." Soon her cries got quieter as she ran off. I sighed and buried my face in my hands. "I'm an idiot.....I really am."

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