Friends or Foes?

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(F/N)'s POV
I walked through the hallways, looking at the walls and doors. Soon I came to a split in the hallway and I look down each one. 'Should I go down the right, or the left?' I thought for a few minutes before walking down the right building, not knowing that kids older than me were down that hall.

Levi's POV
"(F/N)? Dammit where is she?" I looked for (F/N), worried and upset that I lost her. 'Good going Levi. You lost your daughter and now you can find her. Ugh this is going to be a long day.' I kept walking around, calling out. "(F/N)!" A worried frown covered my face and I began to become  frustrated. 'Nobody better touch her. I will kill them if they do'

(F/N)'s POV
I kept walking until I heard someone call to me. Hoping it was my daddy, I turned around. But instead of seeing my daddy, I saw a kid walking towards me. "Hey what's a lil' squirt like you doing here?" I began to shake in fear. "I-I just got curious....t-that's all....w-where is my daddy?" I heard the boy laugh. "Are you gonna cry for your daddy? Huh baby?" He approached me and grabbed me by my shirt collar. I felt my eyes get wet with coming tears as he smirked. "Answer me ya crybaby!" I felt my tears slip down and I cried. "DADDY!!!!"

(I'm sorry if this is short. I'm sorry again for lack of update. Please enjoy and I'll try to come up with another chapter. Also I have another story I'm writing. I just uploaded the first chapter so please check it out. Thanks!)


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