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(I'm gonna start this chapter off as a flashback of when the reader is younger and the mother is still married to Levi. The mother can whoever you want.)

(Mother's Name) was cooking dinner, humming to herself. The house was quiet as (Y/N) was asleep in her crib. After a couple hours, she was finally done with dinner just as Levi walked through the door. "Hello Dear. How was work?" "It was fine.." She prepared them plates then she got a bottle for (Y/N). After it was done, she went and fed her, rocking her at the same time. Everything seemed to be going okay until later that night.

Around 10 O'Clock pm
(Mother's Name) heard her phone ring and she picked it up answering it. {down below is the phone conversation you can have the guy's name be whatever you wants. And MN stands for Mother's Name just so nobody gets confused ~Viktor_1867}
(MN): Hello?
Man: Hello (Mother's Name)
(MN): oh hello (Man's Name)
Man: How is my favorite lady doing today?
(MN): I'm doing fine...what about you?~
Man: I'm doing fine. Wanna come to my house later on?
(MN): hmm....sure. Are we gonna have sex again tonight? Last time was fun~
Man: sure if you want to Babe. Muah. Love you, I'll see you tonight baby~
(MN): Hehe you too~

(Mother's Name) hung up the phone and smiled when she suddenly heard Levi's voice. "I knew you were cheating on me. I just knew it!" She turned around and frowned, narrowing her eyes. For a few hours, they both argued, sometimes hitting each other, then almost violently fighting. But after a while, (Mother's Name) had red puffy eyes. "You know what?! I bet if I left, (Man's Name) would never hurt me!!" "Well why don't you go to him?! Since you've cheating on me, just go be with him!" With that, she packed up her stuff, and left Levi to take care of (Y/N) alone.

(Hope you liked this chapter. Enjoy and thank you!)


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