Simple Mistakes

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I kept thinking for a few minutes before deciding maybe I can trust her. I opened the door more. " can come in." She smiled and whispered a thank you, slightly stepping forward. I moved away from the door, and went to check on Levi. My so called mother just stood in the doorway, my back to her. As I checked on Levi, I didn't notice her smirk. I sighed in relief and turned around, only to feel something go through me. My eyes widen and I looked down, a knife in my stomach. My hands grasped it, getting covered in blood. Grunts escaped me and I fell to my knees. "Y-You....B-Bastard....." "Shut up." I glared at her and let out a weak hiss before I felt my body become numb. She grabbed me by my hair, smiling in my face. "Hehe....Night night Hun." My vision went black and she let go of my hair. I slumped to the floor, slightly bleeding out.

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