Scared Shitless!!!

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(Oh my god! I'm very paranoid because I was asked to send nude pics by two people! Of course I didn't, I blocked and reported them. I'm so paranoid and anxious, I almost had an anxiety attack 😓)


Levi's POV
I finished wrapping the gifts and I hid them away. As soon as I finished, I heard my door slam open. I walked back into the main room to see (F/N) in tears, her cheeks and nose red, slightly runny as she sobbed her pretty little eyes out. I immediately rushed over and embraced her in a tight hug, my hand holding her head against my shoulder. Using my foot, I shut the door and locked it. "'s okay princess...." She wrapped her arms around me, her hands clutching my shoulders tightly as she cried. She sobbed into my shoulder, and I rubbed circled on her back. After she was calm a little, I pulled away and looked down at her with worried eyes. "Why are you crying (F/N)?" She sniffled and whimpered, a brand new set of tears ready to fall. I kissed her forehead and picked her up, cradling her like I used to when she would get hurt. She wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck, calming down. Soon, she spoke. "E-E-Eren....Broke my heart Daddy. H-He pretended to b-become my boyfriend....I-it was all a stupid dare Daddy!!!" She began crying again, tears falling from her eyes. I frowned and kissed her tears away, cradling her again. "It's okay baby girl. I'll take care of him for you. Shhh~" As I cradled her, I began to softly sing the song I always sang to her as a baby, (L/N).
(Name the lullaby what you want)

After a few minutes, (F/N) had fallen asleep in my arms, and I smiled. I laid her on the bed and put the covers over her. I then placed a stuff animal next to her, and she hugged it smiling. "I love you (F/N)." I kissed her forehead and then left to go beat the shit out of Eren for hurting my baby girl.

My World, My Baby Girl (Daddy! Levi X Child! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now