The Stormy Night

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Nobody's POV

After the whole cleaning products being stolen incident, the weather began to become bad. Grey clouds covered the sky, and soon rain began pouring down. Nobody thought of it, so their normal routines continued on. But one specific girl knew that when there was rain.....lightning and thunder followed right behind it.

(F/N)'s POV

I sat on the floor of my father's office, humming to myself. My father was out punishing some cadets who had decided to try and sneak into his office to take something. But of course I was there, and I had screamed loud enough for him to hear. A sigh escaped me as I heard the sound of rain hitting the window. "When there's rain, lighting and thunder always follow right behind." I looked around and decided to hide from the storm. Climbing onto my father's bed, I crawled underneath the covers and curled up tightly. 'Please come soon Daddy.' 

Thirty Minutes Later

A loud boom echoed across the sky and I jumped out the med. I landed on the floor and cried out in pain. Tears streamed down my face, and I stood up slowly. Another loud boom echoed across the sky and I ran out the door and down the hallway.

Levi's POV

I stood against the wall, watching the cadets clean the floors, the rain pounding against the window. A sigh escaped me as I continued to stand there. Soon I heard crying and I looked down the hall. My eyes widened when I saw (F/N) running towards me. "What's wrong (F/N)?" Picking her up, I felt her body shake and I immediately knew what it was. "T-The storm is scaring me!!" Hugging me tight, I held (F/N) close to me and began to whisper in her ear. "It's okay (F/N). I'm right here. Shhhh. I'm here." 

(thanks for liking this series! i'll update more and sorry if you wanted this to be longer. I didn't know what to write and plus I don't have enough time as I am about to be let out of school. Enjoy!)

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