1. Atlanta, Georgia

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I rose from my bed, immediately hitting my alarm clock off. I sighed, dreading to get out of my warm, cozy bed. It took me about 10 minutes to finally push the covers off my body and sit on the edge of the bed with my eyes still opening. 

Ugh, I already knew it was going to bitter-sweet today.

Bitter because it was my last day here in Chapin, South Carolina. I was moving to Atlanta, Georgia tomorrow but it was mostly for the best. The only reason I was leaving was because of the horrible memories I've had here the past few months. My body shuddered at the thoughts.

After pushing the blanket off my body, I went to clean up. I brushed my teeth then washed my face with one of my sister's face scrubs. I splashed my face multiple times to wake me up and after a while, I figured I was spending too much time on it so I ran back to my room. I took a look at my closet deciding what I should wear. I chose to go casual and picked out a black hoodie, light blue jeans, and black boots since it was December.

 Then headed downstairs.

"Morning sleeping beauty." My mom said playfully. 

I laughed lightly. "I better get going to school, love you mom!" I shouted as I walked out the front door. 

"Wait, Avery!" She ran after me. "Pick up Dylan on your way back from school please!" 

I smiled and responded "Okay." 

Dylan, my brother, is the youngest out of my family. He's barely 4 years old. 

"Be good at school!" My mom yelled. 

I hopped in my older brother Drew's car and as soon as my seat belt was on, he sped off muttering a series of complaints about how we were going to be late.

When we finally reached school, there was only 2 minutes until the bell rung. I tried to find my bestfriend Samantha or as I call her, Sam. I searched for her everywhere but unfortunately for me, she was no where to be seen. The bell rang and I headed towards first period.

I walked inside the classroom, saying "Hi" to the ones I often talked to and sat at my desk with my eyes glued to the door, waiting for Sam. Where could she be? It's my last day and she knew that. 

It was about 20 minutes into class now when I heard a knock at the classroom door. My teacher (Mrs. Powell) opened it and said "Well, you're a bit late Samantha. Do you have a pass?" 

Sam looked at her with attitude and shook her head. "Well sorry" she said sarcastically and headed to her seat beside me. 

"Where the hell were you this morning?" I laughed.

As soon as the words left my lips, Mrs. Powell's eyes quickly gazed over at me. "Mrs. Valantine," She pointed at me. "Do you really want detention on your last day here?"

"No." I replied, keeping my eyes away from her's.


After the last class of the day, Sam helped me empty out my locker. As I was putting the last of my pencils and pens into my bag, I saw her reach into her backpack and take out a black, small-square box.

"Here." She offered, opening it and revealing two silver bracelets with our names on it. She handed me the one that said 'Sam is my bestfriend' and kept her own that read, 'Avery is my bestfriend.'

"These are beautiful! Thank you, Sam." I smiled, pulling her into a bone crushing hug.

"Av- Avery I can-t-t breath.." 

I let go of her and giggled. 

When the school bell rang, I quickly said bye to all of my friends. What surprised me was that some of them were even crying. It hurts that I'm leaving all of them and everything else behind. Wish I could just magically bring everything I loved here to Atlanta.

Then, I was on my way to pick up Dylan, along with Sam. When I got the his school I automatically saw Dylan and he saw me. He gave me the most precious smile and ran towards me until a teacher picked him up. "Does he belong to you?" The teacher asked me.

"Yes." I said, as I took him in my arms. Dylan and I have a close connection. He's not a brat or anything. I don't complain about him or my other siblings like other people do. We all get along well.

We reached home and I laid Dylan down for a nap. Sam and I walked to my emtpy room full of boxes. 

"This is really happening huh?" She stated, shocked.

"Yeah.. But I'm just going to stay strong. Maybe it'll be good for me." 

"I don't want you to go though, Avery." It broke my heart hearing her say that.. How could I just leave my bestfriend like this? This was going to hurt badly.

"I'm sorry." I apologized softly.

"Don't be-" She said but was cut off by her phone vibrating. "Ugh, I have to get home.. I love you Avery. Don't forget me!" She joked.

I laughed shortly. "I love you too, and hell no. I could never forget you. We'll visit each other when we can." I smiled, pulling her into another bear hug.

Next Day

I woke up at 5:00 AM. My whole family did. We had a long way to drive, so we wanted an early start. It was still dark out when we loaded our things into the moving truck. What a long drive we had. As we left and got on the highway, I could see our little town, Chapin. I teared up at the fact I won't be here anymore. Maybe Atlanta will be okay. But I'm worried to see where we were living... My parents wouldn't tell me or my siblings what our house looked like. And riding in a car with one sister and two brothers wasn't the best, I could barely sleep.


When I woke up, we had pulled into our new driveway. My eyes grew wide. 

This house was beautiful. It suddenly seemed so exciting to be living here. 

We loaded everything into the house, with the help of movers and all of our things fit more perfectly here than at our old house. Yet it wasn't the same.

Later on in the day, my mom wanted to take me to my new school, to register in. The school wasn't big at all, it was very small but I liked it. It was a very cute, nicely built school. Registering was easy and fast, so I had the chance to walk around the school a little bit. Wondering what it's like here during its active, scares me though. Who knows what these kids are like. Lets hope they're nice.

Today was my first day of school. I woke up an hour and half early. I washed up and thought about what I should wear. Something warm, since its freezing out. I chose to wear a black leather jacket with a white shirt underneath, dark blue jeans, and black boots. I left my hair down, straightened. I hope this look will be a good first impression. 

I had 30 minutes to spare until I had to leave. I ate some breakfast and made sure I had all the supplies I needed. I prayed this day would go well. Both of my parents decided to drive my older brother, sister and I to school. When I got there, it was terrifying. My stomach had butterflies in it. I got out of the car while I said my goodbyes as they wished all of us luck on our first day. I walked slowly to the front doors of the school. I found my way around school and headed to first period. I walked in the class. Everyone stared at me, until i sat down and until i walked to my next class. Everyone seemed really friendly though. I liked it here. I haven't made any big friends yet but in time, i will.

After school ended, I decided to walk home. It was a fairly short distance and I wanted to get familiar with the my new environment. Unfortunately for me, I had to carry all of my heavy textbooks and they must of weighed a ton. 

As I kept walking, I saw a boy wearing a hoodie that covered his face, walking towards me. Right when we were about to pass eachother, our shoulders crashed into eachother, causing my books to fall to the ground.

"Really?" I muttered quitely, mostly to myself. 

He bent down helping me pick them up. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean-" 

"It's okay." I cut him off, adding politeness to my tone. 

When he stood up to hand me my books, his hood fell back and I saw his face. My jaw dropped at the sight. I obviously knew who this was.

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