79, 80, 81

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Text #79.

March 19, 5:36 pm.

Today I looked at the sunrise and I smiled and that just sort of made my day because it's amazing how lucky I am to be able to breathe.

Text #80.

March 20, 4:37 pm.

Today there was Literature class. You were sitting beside her, your hands intertwined together and her head was resting on your shoulder. You brushed some hair off her eyes and whispered something in her ear, causing her to smile like a fool. I remember when you'd to that with me. It hurt so much seeing that scene. I tried my best to distance my gaze from you, but the scene was already glued to my mind and I have a feeling that it will be for a while.

Text #81.

March 21, 6:39 pm.

I don't know why crying is considered a sign of weakness. To me, it's something as natural as craving a piece of chocolate of whatever the hell someone may like. I cry. And I know you cry also. It doesn't matter if you're alone, in your room, and it's 3:00 in the morning and your pressed against the wall, remembering a scene and drops of salty water runs from your eyes all the way to your chin. It's natural, because we are human beings, and human beings have feelings. For me, crying will always be a sign of life. Cause when you cry, it represents that you feel something. It could be anything. Love, lust, hate, anger, sadness, disappointment. Anything. We cry and it should be something considered normal for everyone.

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