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July 25, 4:57 pm.

It took me a long time to figure this out. I was laying in bed today and like, there were a million of random thoughts popping up on my mind.

It's incredible how small we all are. Sometimes we think we are everything only because we have a work that pays a shit load of money, the fanciest house in the neighborhood and a rocking car. But if we really see the world from another angle, we see that we're nothing. Merely, we are some specks of dust flying around. We are nothing compared to the complexity of the universe.

It takes us a lot of time to see that the things that looks like the worst things on earth are actually nothing. They're nothing compared to the place we live in.

We have the habit of taking our problems and complicating them. Of making them harder and more difficult than they already are. So I've decided to make things simpler.

I've decided to shut you off completely. Or, at least, I'll try to. And it's something I tend to keep trying, until I'm able to write about your smile and it won't make me feel completely wrecked inside and out.

It's time to pick myself up again. I'll try to be strong.

But sometimes, people mistaken strong with invincible.

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