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October 10, 9:53 pm.

This time dad fought with me. He yelled to my face of how much of an ungrateful girl I was and that he was sick and tired of me acting the way I was. I couldn't quite control myself. So I just walked through the front door and slammed it as loudly as I could. I walked around the streets hoping to go to Cameron's house like I used to when we were still together, but I didn't when I realized we weren't anymore.
The only place I found was that bench in the park where Cameron asked me to be his girlfriend. I sat there for hours, listening to music and somehow, the only song I would keep replaying was You Found Me by The Fray.


October 11, 10:05 pm.

I decided to tell Cameron everything. Maybe he'll forgive me for being such a coward. Maybe he won't. All I know is that I don't deserve him. He deserves someone who can give me everything he ever wanted. I know how horrible it can be to stay in the dark. To not know anything of what's surrounding you. So that's it. I wanna be brave. But even thinking about the possibility of being brave scares the crap out of me.

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