118, 119, 120

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Text #118.

April 26, 1:09 pm.

Today dad started doing this project for his work. He had to paint something, I don't know exactly, but it was something like that. So he turned his professional office into a painting room. He bought tons of cans of paint of different colors and started painting. I was looking around when I saw something that gained my attention. It was a color I had never seen before, something like brown mixed with white or something like that. I took the can and spilled some on the table. I mixed it with some golden yellow that was somewhere near. I swear to God that it was basically the same color as your eyes. I grabbed a paper from his desk and tried my best to draw your eyes. Then I bathed them in the color I had just mixed and right now, I put the paper with the painting of your eyes on a portrait and hung it up on the wall of my room. I can't risk forgetting them.

Text #119.

April 27, 4:43 pm.

I guess that just like drugs, people can become toxic. But it's not always like that. They first can seem your friend. They can make you feel received and help you to forget your pain and worries. But after a while, you start being dependent of them. You start getting more and more attached, until one day, touché, you're addicted. So was that your plan all along?

Text #120.

April 28, 11:50 am.

Loving you is basically a suicide.

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