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July 17, 7:52 pm.

I don't know if I forgot to mention it, but mom and dad came back some days ago. I just have been so caught up with everything that I kind of forgot about them. They brought us some tacos and guacamole. I ate them all. There were 4 of each. Don't judge me, I eat more than an elephant. I'm not the kind if girl who'd trade a Big Mac for a salad.

Anyways, I was just thinking. I guess I deserve to be happy. Maybe for once. Maybe just try to be happy. Cameron called me today and told me to go meet him at his house. I told him I'd go. For the first time ever, dad let me drive his car. When I got there, there were boxes piled up all over the place. I rang the doorbell and in some seconds, Mr. Giovanni opened the door.

"Hey, Stephanie." He smiled. His eyes were tired and swollen and it looked like he hadn't slept in ages.

"Hey, Mr. Giovanni. I'm sorry to bother, but I'm just here to see Cameron." I told him.

"Oh, yeah, sure. He's upstairs. He really wanted to impress you, so he kept asking me which shirt was better to wear." Mr. Giovanni laughed.

I widened my eyes a little in shock and walked upstairs to his room. I could hear a loud music erupting from the room and the door was half open.

I tiptoed my way to there and spied through the cracks. He was in front of the mirror shirtless and there was a ton of shirts in the bed. He grabbed one and put it on. It was white Burton shirt.

"No, she's gonna think I just became a priest." He mumbled to himself. He then took off the shirt and put another one on. It was a black and blue striped shirt.

"No, she's gonna think I just wanted ran away from the zoo." He murmured.

I let out a quiet giggle. It was so cute seeing him like that.

He took off his shirt once more and looked once more at the pile of shirts on the bed. On the same moment, I tripped on a small toy and ended up completely opening the door. He heard the noise and twisted his head back to me. I tried to be fast and hide, but it was too late. He had already spotted me.

"Oh, shit." He cursed to himself. "What did you see or hear?" He asked, his eyes completely widened out of shock.

I let out a smile. "You do not look like you just ran out of zoo," I laughed.

I could see his cheeks became a furious shade of red. "I-I wasn't trying to impress you," he stammered.

"And I totally believe you," I laughed. He then looked at me and walked closer.

"Gosh, I'm so glad you're here," he whispered, pulling me into a tight hug. I could feel his skin against mine and the way his heart was beating in fast rhythm.

"Can I tell you something?" he murmured. I nodded in response.

"Your hug is the closest thing I could ever call home." he smiled.

I could feel my cheeks heating up. He had a way to making me feel completely shy.

He then let me go. He stood there, looking at me for some seconds and then looked down to himself.

"Oh, crap. I forgot to put a shirt on." he muttered and grabbed a shirt from the bed. "Now come on, let's go downstairs." he told me. We walked downstairs and he told me how his mom was leaving the house. She was the one who wanted to. She was going to leave with her new boyfriend.

He told me that he needed to take me to the basement to show me something. We went there and there were paintings. Beautiful ones, to be clear. But something caught my attention. It was a painting that was near the end of the the room. It was really different. It was an eye. It was blue, and inside it, there was a large galaxy. I stood there, just wanting to grab it, turn around and run home.

"You like it?" he asked me. I nodded a couple hundred times.

"It represents you, Stephanie. You know, all of the dreams that are inside you. You can't see them, but whoever looks into your eyes, can see that one day, you'll make them come true. Damn, seeing you in the library was the best thing ever happened to me." he smiled.

"Yes," I told him, without even thinking twice.

"Yes what?" he asked.

"Yes, I wanna be your girlfriend." I smiled.

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