167, 168, 169

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Text #167.

June 11, 6:36 am.

I can't stop getting this out of my head. Would have I kissed Cameron? Would I really have kissed him? This scares the hell out of me. I kept looking over and over again to the picture he posted of us near the bonfire on his Instagram. Should I give him a chance to actually be my friend? Only as a friend. I can't feel nothing for him more than friendship. In some minutes I'll be going to school. I really hope I don't see you there.

Text #168.

June 12, 8:57 am.

Cameron just called me, but I didn't answer him. I loved him taking me to meet his family, but I can't let my guard down too fast. I have already been hurt enough. I don't want to get attached to him.

Text #169.

June 13, 10:36 pm.

Cameron texted me tons of times. I can't even look at them, because they make me feel guilty. But I can't help it sometimes. I just caught myself peeking to see what he wrote. But no, I can't do this. What if he ends up to be like you?

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