10, 11, 12

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Text #10.

January 9, 10:29 pm.

I remember how we used to fall asleep under the stars. It was a tradition of ours. After of watching some random chick flick movie that I'd force you to watch with me, we'd run to my backyard and we'd watch the stars. There was not much to say and a silence surrounded us. A comfortable silence. Sometimes we stayed that way until 2:00 am, until I woke with my cheek pressed against your chest. It was my favorite part of the day. Now I'm here, sitting down on my backyard and looking at the stars. They look a bit more shallow than last times.

Text #11.

January 10, 10:08 am.

You're sitting one row behind me. It's Mrs. Gomez's Spanish class and it really sucks. You look tired, but you still look good. I wish I could turn back and face you. But I don't have the guts to.

Text #12.

January 11, 1:52 pm.

I remember one time when we hung out in my room. A chilly breeze entered through the cracks of my opened window, making me get goosebumps. So you wrapped your arms around me and in some minutes we were already cuddling, with your arms around mine and my head on your chest. You started playing with my hair and singing me some pathetic songs. I was still cold, so you took off your hoodie and gave it to me. I put in on and it had your scent on it. It smelled like rainforest and axe spray. You left it with me and I forgot to give it back to you. I wore it every night before going to sleep. You saw me one day with it and told me that it looked good on me. I kept it ever since.

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