191, 192

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Text #191.

July 5, 9:50 am.

Sophie called me countless times earlier today. I was tired, but I just decided I'd pick up her phone call. She called me once more, and I picked it up. She told me that she felt we were drifting apart and that I was spending way too much time with Cameron. She said she felt left out. I tried to interrupt her, but she just kept talking. By her statements, yesterday she went to a party. She got drunk, but not so to forget everything. And she saw you. She also noticed that Laurel wasn't with you, so she took the chance. She walked closer and tried to seduce you. I felt like someone was stabbing me in the chest when I heard that. She tried to make you hug her and kiss her, but you didn't. Instead, you wanted to talk to her. She thought you too were gonna hook up or so, but you just made her sit down and told her that you weren't to take advantage of a drunk girl and that you had a girlfriend. At least that didn't change in you. She told me that you started asking her questions. About me.

"What is happening between Stephanie and the Carter kid?" You asked.

"Why is she spending way too much time with him?"

"Does she like him?"

I got flabbergasted when she told me that. She just said that you missed me. No, you don't miss me. If you had, you would talk to me and not just stand there like a complete coward. Why are you suddenly so interested in my life? I spent the last few months moping over you, and I still kind of am, but less. And now, when I start to get a little more happy, you just have to remind me my feelings for you. The feelings that I've been trying to deny and hide at all costs not only to others, but to myself also. I guess the same pain that we deny is the same one that we feel.

Text #192.

July 6, 10:02 pm.

Mom and dad called and told us that they were coming in two days. Cameron came over today and we just sat on the couch and watched corny cartoons together. He said that his parents are finally splitting up. His dad deserves to be happy. Mrs. Porter forgot about my punishment, haha. The perks of having an old lady taking care of you.

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