My(Brothers)Best Friend

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I walk out of first period with Santana and Brits arms linked to mine. Just like every other morning, Except for today,

All was going fine until Quinn Fabray showed up. She's had it out for me since freshman year. Why? I have no freaken idea. I swear we were all the way across the hallway when I heard her screaming. I'm pretty sure china heard her too.

"You're joining what!!!?????" She yelled

I feel bad for whoever has to handle the wrath of Quinn Fabray. Santana keeps walking as if it's nothing and Brits counting her fingers. Everyone rushes off in the other direction, and I see it's him. It's the tall dude whose friends with my idiot brother. Poor guy, but I'm not surprised, football player dating head cheerleader, it's quite the cliché.

"Rachel!" I hear my brother

What the heck!??? He never addresses me in public, or at least really loud and obvious like right now. This must be serious. I look at Santana and she nods her head and let's go. I go towards a worried Noah.

"What's wrong?" I ask

He pulls me across the fighting couple. I don't know why, but now I know all I'll hear is yelling.

"Don't go to Cambridge park" Noah tells me serious
"Why? What's at the park?" I ask confused

That's where I go during lunch sometimes with Mercedes

"Lily's there, she wants to talk to us" Noah says low
"What? Why? What does she want?" I ask mad

She can't just leave us after fourteen years and show up like nothing.

"I don't know, but I don't want to find out, so stay away" he said stern
"Trust me I don't want to see her either" I assured

He nods and I see Quinn storm by pass Noah and I. She gives me the stink eye passing by. Whatever. The tall dude comes up to puck. Before he can open his mouth noah pushes him away from me as if I had some sort of disease.

"Whoah, woah, dude, little sister alert, can't go near her, she's off limits" Noah states

I roll my eyes. He always does this when there's a guy nearby.

"Wait that's your baby sis?" The dude asks "I though she was like way younger than you" tall dude states
"She is by two minutes" Noah says serious
"She's so pretty though" he whispers, clearly not low enough because Noah pushes him
"Finn! That's my sister" he says disgusted

"I'm right here!" I say irritated with Noah's methods of keeping me dateless

So that's his name, Finn. He's pretty cute, but I don't think he'd ever go for me. Especially with Quinn being his girlfriend.

"Sorry rach, but Finn needs to get to class" Noah says hitting Finn's back, hard
"No I don't, I got time" Finn said oblivious

I smile. Noah wouldn't hurt his best friend over me. Well actually he would, but still Finn seems so sweet and completely oblivious to my brothers intentions.

"Yes you do otherwise you'll have time in a hospital bed, if you don't quit flirting with my sister" Noah said clenching his teeth
"Alright dude calm down, your sister just seems nice" Finn says with his hands up in defense
"She's not, but you won't ever know, because shes not allowed to 'be nice' with dudes" Noah said shoving him to walk

He always does this! Well not today

"Noah Eli Puckerman! would you quit it! I'm not a baby anymore, I can make guy friends if I want too!" I say frustrated
"Can't you like be friends with the wheelchair kid or something?" Puck asks hopeful I won't be friends with someone good looking or tolerable

Finn stands there unsure of what to do.

"No, I'm tired of you babying me, I can make friends on my own with whoever" I say stern
"Does it have to be Hudson? I mean, no offense huddy, but I just don't trust guys with my baby sis" Noah said slouching
"I'm a big girl Noah, I can take care of myself, and it doesn't have to be Finn, I just want to be able to talk to guys without having an Ethan incident again" I say

Ethan was the name of the guy who made the wrong decision to talk to me.

"Alright, but I have to know who you're befriending!" Noah yells as the bell rings

Finn looks at me and waves showing me his cute dimples. I see Noah pushing him to keep walking. I roll my eyes, but smile, I think I've finally set my brother straight. Yay me!

 Yay me!

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