Mommy dearest

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I was walking with Mercedes about some glee stuff when Kurt showed up. Noah saw us and since its kind of obvious Kurt is gay. He let me talk to him. Quite an improvement.

"So Rachel, your brother finally letting you have social contacts?" Mercedes asked
"Yup, I finally got him to stop being annoying" I said happy, then I paused "well, less annoying" I corrected

He's still an annoying little fart of a brother

"So i hear you spoke to my brother yesterday" Kurt adds
"Whose your brother?" I asked confused
"Finn Hudson" Mercedes answered

I just opened my mouth in shock. They look nothing alike,

"Well step brothers" Kurt assured

I guess my face kind of forced him to explain. We were walking to my locker when Santana and Britney showed up. Mercedes learned to deal with Santana a long time ago. Kurt on the other hand, looked rather intimidated.

"Hello lady lips, wannabe Beyoncé, hobbit" Santana greets

As usual, nicknames, which Santana loves

"Satan, Brit" I reply opening my locker
"Hoe-pez, what may we help you with" Mercedes asked as if Santana hadn't just insulted her

Brit and Santana both turned to face all of us leaning in as if they were about to share a secret,

"We want to join glee club" Santana smiled
"Really?" Kurt asked not believing it

Santana straightened up

"Yes, homo explosion," Santana sniped "we want to join your little glee club" she said

Mercedes and I just nodded. Kurt still looked unimpressed

"I can go today, so come and audition after school" I smile
"Awesome" Santana answered
"I have pepperoni in my bra" Britney said

We all looked at her till Mercedes said

"Those are your nipples"
"Ugh! Why are you going today? Why are you even going at all!!??"

I heard during lunch. Oh look Quinn and Finn fighting, again. Why am I not surprised? Whatever not my problem. Today for lunch I'm going to the park with Mercedes, Kurt, and Tina. I seriously think Kurt and I are going to become best friends.

We were talking during Spanish, and he loves Broadway as much as me. How amazing!


I heard a shaky and unstable voice call out. I didn't want to turn around in fear it would be the one person who I absolutely didn't want to see. But we're in public, and I don't want people to know. So I run past a confused Finn and Quinn,and confront the person outside, where no one was at the moment.

"What do you want Lily? How did you find me!??" I ask harsh

She was shaking, even if it was eighty degrees outside, and she looked awful. Her appearance consisted of her tiny, unhealthy skinny body covered in white powder and stains. Her hair was messy and nappy. Her eye looked hollowed as she slouched and looked at me.

"Wow, you're even more beautiful than I remember, how have you been Rachie?" She asked taking a good look at me and sort of coming out of her slicked position

"What do you want?" I clenched my teeth

Before she could answer I heard Noah.

"Rachel! Get away from her!" He yelled

I saw him running to us, and once he reached us he pulled me away. We were far away enough so she couldn't here,

"I thought I told you to stay away" he said low
"I did, she found me, in the hallway" I answer annoyed

She interrupted us,

"Look I just came here to ask for money, I don't mean to intrude" lily said

We turned to face her, the so called mother, she is. It's so hard to believe that the woman standing in front of us, gave us life.

"Well we don't have any" Noah answered mad

He's always been mad at her for what she did. In fact he hates her. Which is totally fine with me, because I hate her too.

"So leave us alone," I said mad
"Since you're so good at it" Noah added

And with that being said we walked back into the school. Where Noah stormed off and I stood there. I wanted to cry, but the woman out there is not worth my tears.

"Hey, you ok?"

I heard in front of me, I guess I was so out of it, I didn't realize Finn was in front of me.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine" I answered
"Really? cause it looks like you've seen a ghost" he answered concerned as I began walking
"I have" I said low enough for just me to hear
"What?" He asked
"Nothing" I answered walking to the bathroom

I stopped outside and turned to face Finn,

"I appreciated that" I say
"Appreciated what?" He asked
"Your comfort, it helped, so thank you" I say walking in before I make an even bigger fool of myself

Finn is really cute, but he's also dating Quinn, and he's also my brothers best friend,he would also never go for a girl like me. A short nobody who gets scared when she sees her own mother. He really is a good guy, but he's not a good guy for me.

 He really is a good guy, but he's not a good guy for me

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