Senior year

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School quarterback out with Broadway diva girlfriend and three month old daughter, Delilah otherwise known as lil

School quarterback out with Broadway diva girlfriend and three month old daughter, Delilah otherwise known as lil

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"Babe has he just been stalking us this whole summer?" Finn asked me as I got ready

"Yeah he started posting about us when we moved into the apartment next to his house" I groaned

We finally moved in too our new apartment officially. When junior year ended, we gathered up our money and bought a little apartment not too far away. So we've been living here for about three months, Delilah was almost a month old.

But now it's time for senior year. The year where we apply for colleges. I already know where I want to go, but Finn said he still hasn't decided. I'm worried he won't want to come with us to New York. He said he would look around when we go to nationals, but he completely changes the subject every time we talk about it.

"I'm going to kill him" Finn said clicking out of JBI's blog

"Sweetie just leave him alone he's just jealous of our relationship, why stir the pot?" I tell him while wrapping my arms, around him

"I know but it's so frustrating, can't he talk about anything else other than our family??" Finn asks out loud

"I know it's annoying but we just have to learn to ignore it, I mean we wouldn't want to be teaching Delilah that violence is okay, right?" I ask him knowing the answer

"No" he mumbles defeated

I kiss his cheeks and stand up

"See that's what I thought" I smiled

I went to the baby's room to find my little girl waking up. It was around two forty now and I put her down for her nap around one fifty five-ish. So I should be waking her up now. Otherwise she won't be able to sleep tonight.

"Hi baby girls, you excited for today? It's the last day before summer ends, and you know what? mommy and daddy are going to miss you lots when we go back" I told her while rubbing her tummy

"But daddy's going to miss you more" Finn showed up behind us

He wrapped his arms around me so that he could run her little nose like the way she loves. Kurt's suppose to come over later with Blaine. They wanted to go out with us to the park and we agreed.

"Well mommy wins because she's the one who carried you around for nine months" I reply sticking out my tongue at Finn

We just heard a little giggle from her, and Finn took her from my arms and started making funny faces.

I was admiring how good he was with her when I heard the door,

"I'll go get it, it's probably Kurt anyway" I shrug

When I reach the door I look through the peephole just to make sure. It wasn't Kurt it was Noah.

"So baby sis how's the little monkeyface?" Noah asked while walking in

"She's with Finn right now, are you coming to the park too?" I ask while locking the door

"Duh," he answered walking to the living room where Finn has showed up in. He was holding Delilah in his arms, and they were both wearing that same dopey half smile. It was adorable.

"Ready for our last day before we are official seniors?" I ask Finn and Noah

"Nope" they both answered


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