Good Morning

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I woke up with a major headache. I also woke up not alone. I quickly held onto the sheets. I can't remember much except-oh no, oh no, no no no no no no, did I?

I check under the sheets and see I'm naked along with who I think is Finn. I cover the blanket up to my nose as if I'm hiding. Then I glance over and it is Finn.

I just stare still covering myself then I see Finn jolt up. He looks over and sees me practically hiding.

"Did we-" I asked

He quickly nods. Then I take over.

"You know what we were both really drunk-"

"Actually I wasn't that drunk" he interjects

I just stare in shock. So he actually wanted to sleep with me? So he wasn't imagining Quinn instead of me? He enjoyed it?

"Oh" I say in shock

We both just sat there. It was silent until I broke the silence.

"Did you enjoy it?" I asked

"Yeah, it was amazing" he answered almost immediate

I smiled a little proud but I get snapped back to reality.

"Was this your first time?" I asked

"Yes, you?" He asked me back

"Yeah" I answered

It was silent, until I realized the most important thing ever. I don't live here alone. I also have no idea where my brother is. Nor do I want to know.

"I think you should leave" I tell Finn

"Yeah, your brothers probably going to kill me if he finds out" Finn adds

"Quinn's probably going to kill me too" I also say

We were kind of just sitting there for a good ten minutes. Realizing that were both dead meat if anyone finds out about last night, really does suck.

"How about we make a deal" I offered

Finn turned to face me. I was covering my boobs so his chest was kind of exposed. I lost my train of thought for like a minute, but then Finn waved his hand in front of my face.

"What's your deal?" Finn asked

"We speak of last night, to no one, deal?" I ask extending one hand out

"Deal" he said shaking my hand

"Now get out before Noah comes in" I tell him calmly

He jumps out of bed and I see his bare ass, so I freak out and turn away.

"Oh, Finn! At least warn me before you jump out of bed naked" I yell

"What? it's nothing you haven't seen before" he shrugs

"Just grab your clothes and get out" I say covering my eyes

I peeked out a little bit and saw his six pack. So I gulped. I can't believe I had sex with Finn Hudson, my brothers best friend.

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