Its all in a Name

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Rachel hasn't visited her mom since we went with puck. I know she's sad because she really thought her mom had changed. So I've been doing my best to make her and the baby happy again.

I've also sort of been avoiding telling her about the adoption agency and when we were planning on telling the James family about having our baby. Honestly I just want her to realize she wants to keep the baby. But I know Rachel, so I know she's not going to want that anytime soon, or anytime at all.

Rachel POV
I've been so sad since the day we went to the prison. Noah doesn't even really call anymore. I know it's because of Quinn. They're probably together now, but I don't trust her and I'm afraid if I tell Noah he's just going to brush me aside. I also don't want to go to the James family and give them my baby but I have too.

It's the only way. Finn and I aren't together, I don't have a real home, my moms in jail, and I'm in high school with no steady income. This baby will never get the life they deserve if I keep it. So it's decided I'm going today.

"Finn" I ask him at his locker

He turn to me giving me my full attention. I swear I saw this snarky cheerleaders give me the stink eye. But they are irrelevant so it doesn't matter.

"I'm going to the adoption agency today, and um, I'm going to tell the James family that I've decided to give them our baby" I paused to see if he would say anything

Instead he looks so heartbroken. It makes me feel guilty but Finn isn't thinking about the better possibilities this baby will have if she's with someone else.

"Will I still get to be there when she's born?" Finn asks me

I feel so bad so I jump into his arms for a hug,

"Of course Finn, you are still the father" I reassure him

He doesn't let go of me and continues hugging me. Every time Finn hugs me, I always feel like the world just washes away. That were the only two people and it feels nice.

I hear someone clear their throat and we pull apart. I see its Santana smirking at us and Brittany smiling as usual.

"Sorry puff pastry but I'm going to need my girl back" Santana smiles

"Santana I've asked you numerous times to stop calling him names" I warn her

"Alright alright, I'll try, but it's just so hard when he's such an easy target" she laughs

I roll my eyes as we continue walking to ms.jacobs room. I really don't like being here, and I'm not talking about the class. I mean school. I'm not even showing that much and people are already staring and judging. I hate it.

"San, I'm not going to be able to go shopping today, I have to go somewhere with Finn" I tell her now

She was going to take me shopping

"What? But I was going to buy baby Deliliah a red onesie and-wait a minute- did you just say go somewhere with Finn? " Santana wiggles her eyebrows

"It's not like that, we're going to tell the family we've chosen that in four months they'll be taking the baby home" I tell her

I know she cares and everything, but every time someone refers to the baby as Delilah, my heart hurts just a little, because that's all I'm going to get from her, her name

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