Let's PARTYYY!!!

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I was getting ready for the party with Kurt and Mercedes. No one but Santana and Britney, and Finn knew about our foster siblings, so we're going to drop them off at the neighbors house, they like watching over them. I feel kind of bad, but at the same time I just want to have a little fun, without them here getting into trouble.

Kurt and Mercedes are having a hard time realizing I live with Noah in a house like this. Dead grass, a broken gate, chipped wood, and dirty rug floors. Thank god they're not judging me or anything like that. Although Kurt was having difficulty with my wardrobe since I don't have much.

"Hey, Rachel, whose Dora the explorer shirt is this?" Kurt asked pulling out Bridget's clothes

I grabbed it and shoved it back in.

"Oh you know, my, um, nieces," I smile trying to convince them

Kurt just nods sarcastically when I hear Noah yell,


I roll my eyes and walk out with just with my towel on. Did I mention I just took a shower? I walk out and see Noah's eyes practically fall out of his head.

"GO PUT ON CLOTHES! FINNS HERE!!!!!" He yells shoving me back inside

I could here Santana laughing and see Finn drooling. It made me laugh. But I needed to let Santana in so I ran past my brother gripping the towel and dragging Santana and Brittany inside. They were holding bags and smiling while looking amazing for the party.

I walked in where Kurt and Mercedes where laughing

"Just a regular day in the Puckerman household" I say embarrassed

Kurt jumps up and grabs Santana's bag,

"Finally! Something I can work with!!" He yelled excited

I see him pull out a pretty sparkly one shoulder gray dress and some black pumps. I grabbed them in awe. I've never owned something so pretty.

"It's for you," Santana said to me

"Really?" I asked unsure

"Of course, if we're going to go through with the plan you need to look hot while doing it

I just smile, as Mercedes finishes straightens her hair. She gets up and smiles,

"You are going to look so hot in this" she said

I just looked at everyone and smiled. I quickly ran into the bathroom and put on the dress. I walked in where Kurt was holding the nice black pumps. I smiled and let him slide them on my feet. I felt like Cinderella.

Since everyone was already done, Brittany did my hair while Santana and Kurt worked on my makeup and Mercedes made sure the door wouldn't open. We don't have a lock.


"Alight girl that's our cue," Mercedes said

I smile and waited for everyone to walk out. I could here some talking, but when I opened the door, it grew quiet and everyone stopped and stared at me. I felt like the queen. It was awesome.

Finn POV (earlier)
I was waiting with puck because we had finished setting up for the party when we hear knocking. Puck got up and opened it. Santana and Brittany were standing there. And by Santana and Brittany I mean Rachel best friends.

I don't know what it is, but there's something about her that makes me want to know more. The problem is puck gets so protective her, I can barely maintain a conversation with her. But I can't really do anything about it because they're siblings and puck is the protective older brother who could kick my ass if he wanted too.

I hear puck yell and soon after I see Rachel running around with just a towel on. I feel awful because I have a girlfriend, and I think my jeans just tightened a little. I think puck noticed too because he looked like he was about to knock me out. So I walked away.

A couple hours after

Everyone is slowly starting to show up and all the girls are walking down. I'm waiting for Rachel to come down so I could just talk to her, now that puck has someone else to talk too. She's such a good friends to me and....and wow,

I thought she was pretty before, but, wow, she looks beautiful right now. I can't seem to look away. It's like I'm in a trance. I feel someone hit the back of my head,

"Ow," I says rubbing my head

"Knock it off Hudson, that's my sister!" Puck yelled

It's like my common sense went out the window and my heart has taken over my mind, because all I'm thinking about is how great Rachel would be if she were in my arms right...."Ow!" I said again

"I said knock it off Hudson!" Puck said clenching his teeth

I looked at him while rubbing my head because that really hurt, and before I know it everyone's here and Rachel is standing in front of me, in all her wonderful glory.

Back to Rachel POV
I had been walking and Finn was staring at me, and I felt the whole world wash away, and it was like, it was just him and me, of course until my brother hit him in the head. As usual, for looking at me. How great.

"Told you it would get his attention" Brittany whispered
"Britt, I said that" san said

I just laughed and made my way over to Finn. My brother had wandered off and I was smiling at Finn who had his dorky half smile on. We were about to say something when all of a sudden his girlfriend shows up,

"Hey finny, you look hot," she said completely ignoring me

Finn looked at me as I shrugged and decided to leave. What am I thinking? Get it together Rachel, he has a girlfriend. He was probably staring at you because you look ridiculous. I should know by now,

Girls like me never get guys like him.

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