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I was standing there, next to Finn. It was quiet and sad. My brother just walked away and drove off to god knows where, leaving me here.

I want to face Finn and tell him everything, but I also want Noah to come back and tell me everything's going to be ok. But I don't think either of those things will be happening.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

I slowly turn around to see Finn all bruised, I feel so bad that Noah did that to him. But I also know Finn could've easily done the same to Noah.

"We were going to pretend it never happened, remember?" I shrug

I don't know what to say, 'hey sorry you knocked me up and now my brother hates the both of us'

"Rachel, finding out you're pregnant isn't something to easily forget about" Finn says stepping closer

"Well, don't worry I'm not keeping it, I'm giving it up" I tell him quickly

What the hell am I thinking? I can't raise a baby in that garbage I call home. Finn isn't prepared to be a father, and I'm certainly not ready to screw up this child's life. I'm already messed up as it is, I can't bring a child into that mess.

Plus we aren't even together, so we're certainly not going to be a couple when this baby comes. Hell, he'll probably do exactly what my dad did, leave.

"Wait, don't I get a say in this too!??" Finn freaks out

"We can't raise a baby, Finn, especially when this was just a one time thing, honestly do you really want to bring a child into this mess" I say pointing to ourselves

"I don't know, I just don't know if I'm prepared to give my first born to some random stranger, I want to be there for the baby.........and you" he tells me

"I can't do this with you right now, ok? I just need to get home, and fix things with my brother" I say crying again

I start waking away when I feel Finns hand get a hold of mine,

"Please Rachel, give me a chance," he begs

"I can't, I'm just, so, lost right now" I barely manage to say

He lets go and I start walking home. But I barley even reach a block when Finn tells me that he's going to drive me home. When we get there I see Noah waiting outside with all my stuff. He's still pissed, but Bridget and everyone else, with the exception of Rick, are crying. I jump out of the car and walk to where he is.

"What is this? Are you kicking me out?" I say crying a little

"As pissed off as I am, you can't stay here with your......situation, it's too dangerous so go off live with Santana, but don't come back until you have that baby or you somehow find mom and get her to emancipate you" he tells me serious and shooting death glares at Finn

"Also, Don't.Live.With.Him" Noah tells me

"I have nowhere to go, I can't just move in with Santana unannounced, and I can't just leave you guys here" I cry to him

"You know that if Eva or Robert find out, they'll freak out, and I don't want that baby getting hurt, so get as far away as you can from here, do you understand Rachel?" He asks me serious

I don't reply, I don't want to leave, this is the longest home I've been in, and now I have to leave

"Rachel! Do I make myself clear?" Noah asks again

I just nod my head yes and grab my stuff. But Finn helps me put it into his truck. I hug and kiss everyone goodbye. Without a word Finn drives, and I already know that he's taking me home with him.

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