Merry Christmas Darling

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We walked into the Hummel-Hudson household and everyone was behind us, so when Carol showed up at the front door with hugs, you bet everyone went in for a hug.

She nearly fell over. It was very heart-warming. I'm actually happy that this is the first Christmas where I get to spend it with people who actually like me.

"Rachel, can I see the baby again?" Bridget asked me

I smiled and bent down with baby Delilah sleeping in my arms. Bridget and Alexa have loved playing with Delilah. The boys only like her when she's not crying. Instant eye roll

"We thought everyone deserves a present this year so listen up!" Burt instructed

Everyone ran to the living room and waited for their presents. Even Finn followed close behind!

"Bridget and Alexa"

Burt handed them two nicely wrapped gifts and the look on their faces were priceless.

"Carol, as much as I appreciate this, you didn't have too do all of this" I smiled at her

"Rachel, honey, we wanted to do this, especially when Kurt told us about how you guys never got presents" Carol said sincerely "and well just look at how happy they are," she pointed to Erik and tony who were jumping up and down with some green wrapped gifts

"They do look excited, but I feel really bad that we didn't bring anything," I frown

"Don't sweat it, having little Delilah here, is already the best gift ever!" She said as her voice quickly shifted to a high pitched baby voice

I just smiled as she grabbed a hold of Delilah and quickly started giving her little kisses. I was brought back to reality when I saw Burt with a blue gift in his hand.

"Come on Rachel" he smiled

I smiled a little shocked as I looked at everyone with gifts, even Noah and Rick.

"Me too?" I asked

"Yeah, well I know you're Jewish so I hope you enjoy the menorah themed wrapping paper" I placed a hand over my heart as I smiled with joy

"It was my idea" Kurt whispered

"Aww you guys thank you so much" I smiled

I was going to turn around and show Finn but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Where did Finn go?" I asked Rick

"He said he had to get something from the truck" Rick shrugged as we all made our way to the couch

I walked around to check if he came back. While I did I saw Carol and Kurt crowding my daughter which made me giggle a little. Then I glanced at Rick, Noah, and Burt who were all sucked into the football game. Even all the kids were planning with each other, smiling and laughing.

But no Finn.

I was about to go towards the door when I saw him walk in with a bag full of gifts.

"Oh my Barbra, where did you get all of this?" I asked him

"Well, since I've been working at the tire shop for a while, I decided I would get all the little kids presents too" he smiled

He has such a big heart,

"You are amazing, you know that Finn Hudson?" I asked him while placing a kiss on his cheek

"I've heard it maybe once or twice" he chuckled

"Go surprise them with more presents!" I say pushing him towards everybody

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