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I walked through the the door of the Hudson household and went straight upstairs. But of course I've been kind of craving some watermelon so I decided to cut some. But the giant watermelon that was in the kitchen before I left is gone!

"I know how much you crave watermelon so when you left I decided to cut some up, it's in the fridge" Finn answered while leaning against the wall

I stared at him and felt really bad, but I know he'd just try and convince me to keep her. So I mumbled a thank you and took it out.

"Your brother came by to drop off your sweater, the one you left in his car while he went to drop you off at the adoption agency" Finn said sounding angry but not yelling which made it more scarier

"All I did was look at potential families, I didn't sign anything, so you can relax" I inform him

Before I could take a bite out of the watermelon I start crying. I only went to that stupid place because my supposed mom left me. Again.

"Look Rach, I'm sorry I sounded angry please don't cry" Finn hugged me

"No it's not that, it's just, my brother was right she will never change and me thinking that she would today was stupid!" I yell angry at myself

"Hey it is not your fault, okay? you just always see the good in people, even the ones that are the most lost" he rubbed my back

I continued hugging him but the tears were slowly falling down. Now my heart didn't hurt as much. Finn always has that affect on me.

"Look Finn I have to tell you now, but we can't keep the baby, she deserves better and deep down you know that, so I'm sorry I went in to look at potential families without you but please consider going to one meeting with me, please" I tell him

He looks like he's in deep thought and he always scrunched up his eyebrows, but then he looks down at me while I was in his arms and nods slowly.

"Okay I'll go with you" he whispers barely

I immediately hug him, I know this is going to be hard on him but Im glad he at least considered it.

"I am so grateful, thank you so much Finn, I don't know what I would do if I had to go alone each time" I cried

Damn it, I can never stop crying. Stupid hormones.

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