Boy or Girl?

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"I can't believe your having lunch with lily after your appointment" Noah disproves as I get ready

I tried on a different dress in the closet as Noah continues to rant.

"So did you come, here to actually help me...or just to try and stop me?" I asked

"I'm not trying to stop you, I just advise not going, plus I want to see if I'm having a baby niece or nephew" Noah told me

"I already told you" I walk out in a yellow dress "I don't want to know the gender because I'm not keeping it" I tell him again

"I think you should know, just so you have an idea of what your child's going to look like" he shrugged

"That's the thing Noah, I don't want to know" I share jumping back in the closet

"And how does Hudson feel about this?" Noah questioned

"He doesn't want to give it away, but we can't provide a good life for it so we have to give it away" I tell him once again

"Rachel why are you so sure, you'll be bad at this whole mom thing, I mean maybe you'd actually be pretty good" Noah shrugs

"Can we please stop talking about this" I say walking out in sweats

It was the only thing that fits.

"Ok fine, but is Hudson going?" Noah asked as hate dripped off his words

"No, I don't want him too" I bite my lip

"Rachel, you didn't even ask him?" Noah stops me

"You're the one who doesn't even like him, so why do you care?" I ask with my arms crossed

"Because even though I don't like the guy, he still deserves a chance to see the baby, it's his kid too you know" Noah shrugs

"Yeah well it's too late now" I shrug walking out the door

Right as we got in the car, Finn showed up,

"Drive drive!" I yelled

Noah just sat there with his eyebrow raise and arms crossed

"Quickly now we don't want to be late!" I say sarcastic

"Go" he said unlocking the door

I rolled my eyes and unbuckled the seatbelt

"Meh go" I mock him under my breath

"I heard that" he said bored

"Well good for you!" I yelled back

I saw Finn look at me and he stopped trying to unlock the door. So I shyly went closer.

"We're going to the baby's sonogram appointment, want to come?" I asked him

"Of course" he answered immediately

We walked back to the car in silence and right before we got in he asked me,

"Why didn't you tell me before"

I looked at him and shrugged, obviously Im not going to tell him the truth

At the doctors

"Rachel Berry" the nurse called out

Noah still sat down reading a magazine

"You two go ahead, I'll be waiting here" he said not looking up

"Ok then" I answer

Finn follows close behind and after I follow the instructions to lay down and we wait. I should probably tell him I don't want to know the gender.

"Finn?" I ask

"Yeah, everything ok?" He answered

"Yes, but I just want to tell you.....I don't want to know the gender" I say slowly

"Rachel, I know you don't want to keep the baby, but why not at least see their gender so we know to call it a she or a he?" He questioned

"Because I don't want to get attached!" I yelled

He stayed quiet

"Can't you at least consider keeping the baby" he whispered

Before I could say no the doctor walks in. She does the usual, and then she puts the cool gel on my stomach. I want to look away, but I see Finns face as he holds my hands, so I look. I start crying. My baby is right there, and it doesn't look like a peanut anymore.

"Would you like to know the gender?" She asks us

I look at Finn and he's practically begging me to say yes, so I just slowly nod yes.

"Alright, well, congratulations, you're having a girl" she smiles cleaning up

I couldn't help but cry more. That's my baby girl. I felt Finn kiss my hand as I cried even harder. How am I suppose to give her up now? I always wanted a girl, and now I have one.

"It's okay, we're gonna be ok" Finn comforted me

I let him hug me as I cried. Why is this so hard?

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