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I was standing at my locker and stuffing my face in a waffle dipped in chocolate and pretzels on the side with some guava smoothie. It was delicious.

Nobody was staring at me weirdly or throwing slushies. In fact they were avoiding any and all eye contact. Whatever. All I really wanted was watermelon, but apparently Carol doesn't have any and it made me cry. I also cried when I couldn't open the door....and when I saw an add for yogurt.

Yeah I hate crying 24/7.

"Here" Finn popped up like a freaken magician, out of nowhere

"What is this?" I asked grabbing the bag

"It's watermelon, and some crackers for your morning sickness" he assured me

"Finn, just because we're living together doesn't mean we're together, I don't want to make you feel obligated to be with me because of this baby" I tell him

"I'm not trying to be together, but I mean if you want too..."

"Finn!" Quinn interrupted him "you said you were just going to give her the food and leave, so let's go!" She practically yelled

"I'll talk to you later, but tell me when your next appointment is!" He shouted as Quinn dragged him away

As much as I don't want to admit it, I am glad Finn is being so supportive. Now that Noah and I are kind of on rough terms, I still have Finn. So that's nice.

"Hey Chica, how's it going living with lumps the clown?" Santana asked

Well everyone is just popping up everywhere today, aren't they?

"San, it's been a full week, it's pretty boring and me crying all the time sucks" I complain

"Does your brother know?" San whispered

"No and he's not going too, ok? He already hates Finn enough as it is, if he finds out I'm living with him, he'd probably kill him" I explain to her

"You're probably right, but don't you think it would be better if he heard it from you instead of this god forsaken place?" She asked me

"I'll tell him eventually, but right now I just need to figure how I'm going to continue rocky horror" I reminded myself

"Is that even good for the little creature? I mean, all the dancing and jumping around?" Santana questioned

"San, it'll be just like if I were exercising, this kind of activity is good for the baby, plus it's almost opening night and I'm barely a month" I explained

"Whatever you say Berry" Santana shrugged

We entered the choir room, and everyone in here was slowly getting over the fact that I'm having a baby. Noah won't even look at me, and Quinn's only looking at me with disgust, and Finn has his big hazel eyes pinned right on me.

I took a seat right in the back and tried to avoid eye contact with all three. It felt like, forever when mr.Schue decided to show up.

"Alright guys, opening night is in two weeks! So rehearsals are going to be extra long from now on, any questions?" Mr.schue asked

"Mr.schue is this kind of stuff even good for a pregnant teenager?" Finn asked worried

"Umm, depends how far along the girl is" Mr.Schue said, eyeing me in particular

I glared at Finn, but it slowly faded away, when I saw how genuinely concerned he looked. Noah looked interested too. I know he's mad at me, but I'm glad he still cares about me and this baby. I mean he is my brother after all.

"But, nothing bad would happen to her or the baby right?" Noah asked

"To answer Finn and pucks questions, Rachel will be fine when opening night arrives, so moving on" Mr.Schue said turning to the board

I kind of zoned out when he started talking about scales and stuff. I was too focused on looking at the back of Finns head. He really is a good guy. I just wish Quinn weren't around to stop us from being together.....

Ugh! What am I saying!!!??? Get a hold of yourself Rachel, you and Finn will never be together, and this baby won't change that.

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