Dear Santa

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"Why didn't you tell me!!??"

I sat there in glee club replaying the last hour in my head. But my brother had to come and disrupt those moments. My bump was starting to grow but it didn't matter in these clothes, so I just stared up at him

"What tell you about Lily and how she came back just to ruin my day, trying to convince me that she's sober because guess what Noah it wouldn't have made a difference if you were there or not!" I yelled

The room fell silent and I needed some air. So I pushed pass Noah and walked out.

Noah POV
I would've gone after her but she's right. Me being there wouldn't have stopped the little hope Rachel had left being crushed thanks to lily. Plus Rachel always needs alone time. Or someone specific to comfort her.

"No Santana sit," I told her

She looked at me and crossed her arms, I saw him want to get up so I grabbed Santanas arm to stop her and looked at him,

"I'm giving you this one chance, if you screw it up, you're dead" I told him serious

He nodded and walked out to comfort my sister and Quinn was pissed. But I can give less than two shits about what she cares for. She's the reason Finn isn't supporting Rachel to the best that he can.

Rachel POV
I know my bump is small and it's completely covered but I still like rubbing it in comfort. It makes me glad to know that I will never make the same mistake as my mother did.

It was silent enough for my thoughts to sound so loud and clear, and then he sat down right next to me.

"When I was younger, every Christmas the foster homes would make us write Santa letters. I never showed Noah because I just wanted Santa to know so he could make sure it came true. Do you know what I would wish for?" I asked Finn

He just nodded no and let me continue

"I always wished for my mom to come back, and every year I would be greeted with nothing so after a while I stopped writing for her to come back, in fact I just stopped writing" I said with a tear falling down

Instead of saying anything Finn just held onto my hand, and instead of pulling away like I usually do, I held tighter.

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