Jailbird mom

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I look at the security guard, because I do not like that attitude

"Rachel Berry-Puckerman, I should be on the visiting list, plus my brothers here" I answer irritated

"Rach, can you kind of cut down on the sass" Finn whispers in my ear

I look at him quickly sending him walking towards the vending machine.

"You're on the list alright, but it's only two visitors per prisoner" he informs

"What do you mean, if my brother is here shouldn't I be the second visitor" I ask

"Actually your brother isn't here alone, he brought in a woman" the security smiles sarcastic

"Well I am Lily's daughter so I demand you let me in!" I yell out

"You're not the boss of me" he leans back

"If you don't let me in that visiting room, not only will I demand to see your supervisor but I swear to all the gods in the world that I will make you regret-"

Finn pulls me away as I continue yelling at the security guard who looks like he's going to pee his pants

I pull away from him with my arms crossed and my face not amused.

"What the hell was that? Do you want to get yourself banned?" He asked me

"All I want is some answers from my mother, and that idiot security guard!" I yell "is being unreasonable" I finish pissed

"Well maybe if you didn't yell at the dude he would've let us in" he shrugged

"Well maybe if he wasn't so incompetent, I wouldn't have to yell" I answer back mad

Just as I was about to continue to yell at Finn I saw Noah walk out, with....Quinn?

"You can go in with your brother now......crazy bitch" the security guard mumbled

I was about to attack him when Finn motioned me to go with Noah. Quinn was smirking at me as if she had just accomplished somethings big. I'll deal with her later.

"Why the hell did you bring Quinn?" I ask my brother through clenched teeth

"Because I was in need of support, someone who wasn't you or had slept with you" he answers

I rolled my eyes. He's never going to let go of the fact that Finn and I slept together.

"Rachel! I'm so glad you could-"

I cut lily off as I sit down

"I don't want hear anything you say if it doesn't answer my questions. So start talking and answer the question, as to why you didn't show up to lunch and instead ended up here again" I ask her

"Listen I know it sounds hard to believe and I told Noah this already, but I was framed, I swear to the both of you, that I did not have drugs in my car and all that stuff they found in my house wasn't mine." She insists

"I still find it hard to believe" Noah shrugs

"I don't know who would do this or why, but I really did want to go too lunch with you, In fact I was so excited I even got you a key to my house to show how serious I was" lily explained

"I don't believe you" I say low

It doesn't make sense. None of this makes sense. In fact the only thing that does add up is that Noah told me she was the same person, and by the look on his face, he still believes that.

"You have too, I really am sober and I didn't want to risk loosing you guys, you can even ask the lawyers, I was trying to ad-"

She was interrupted by the guards

"Visiting hours are over!" They yelled

I stand up almost in tears again

"I'm sorry, but all my life you've been gone and off doing drugs and you've done nothing to prove otherwise so I'm sorry but I can't believe you now, all that I can believe is the fact that you're the exact same person you were when I was five years old" I inform her with a heavy heart

I turn my back and continue towards the gates. I stop at the entrance and wait for Noah, I see him shake his head in disapproval as they take lily away. She looks so sad, but Noah was right. She's the same. She will always be the same.

With Quinn and Finn
Finn POV
"What are you doing here?" I asked Quinn

We had been sitting here in silence for the past twenty minutes

"Jealous?" She smirks

"No, I'm here with Rachel....the woman I love" I remind her

She pouts like a child and crosses her arms, I only find it cute when Rachel does that.

"Well last time I checked you hadn't even told her how you felt" she argues

She is right when it comes to telling Rachel my feelings. But to be fair we've been pretty busy with the adoption and now this.

"Doesn't matter, our main priority is our daughter" I tell Quinn

"Yeah well, puck told me that he still doesn't trust you with Rachel so ha! Plus I'm with him now and here for moral support so Rachel can suck on that" Quinn tells me

I already know she's just with puck to spite Rachel, but what Quinn doesn't know is how scary pregnant Rachel is.

"You do realize Rachel doesn't care what puck thinks of us, and as for the two of you dating, all I can say is that puck will always value Rachel over you because she's his sister, so you should keep that in mind" I remind her

"Yeah well I'm only with puck so you can come to your senses and beg me for forgiveness, " Quinn tells me as if I care

Now that Im finally free of her, I don't know what I ever saw in her, to start dating her in the first place.

"Quinn, I'm living with Rachel, I'm having a baby with her, so when are you going to realize I love Rachel" I ask annoyed

Before Quinn could respond Rachel walks out with puck behind. She looks distraught, and I know that face. It's the face that means she's about to cry. So I go up to her and hug her. She wraps her arms around me and begins crying into my shirt.

It always breaks my heart to see her cry over her mother.

"Let's go home Rach," I tell her so she can relax in bed with her most craved food right now, peaches

"Okay" she sobs

"Call me Rachel" puck tells her as Quinn stands up

She looks mad but I don't care, all that matters is taking care of Rachel and our daughter.

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