Big Brown Eyes

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Time jump

Today is December 23rd, which means it's almost time for Delilah's first Christmas. It also means that finals weeks is over. Nothing could ruin this holiday cheer or my beauty sleep.

Knock knock

Spoke to soon. It's around one thirty in the morning who the hell would be here? Everyone is already sleeping because this the first time in months the baby has fallen asleep.

"Mm, go check babe" Finn groaned from the side

I lay there squinting at him.

"Why me? I always answer the door" I groan

"Because your brothers the one in the room next door sleeping and you know how cranky he is in the mornings" he mumbled

"You so owe me Finn Hudson" I frown again

I'm in my candy cane striped pajamas, and it's freaking freezing so I grab my pink fuzzy robe and my slippers and look at Finn already passed out again.

"Come back quick the bed's already cold without you" he mumbled out

"Oh shut up" I say walking out the room

God could this person be anymore annoying? Or at least wait till the sunrises? I slowly walk to the door and look through the peephole. Of course it's my mother.

"I don't mean to intrude" she starts off when I open the door

"What is it lily? It's one in the morning." I rub my eyes

"I, um, I need a place to stay, my roommate kicked me out after she discovered my file" lily told me

"Come on in, I'll get you some blankets," I tell her tired

She walks in cautiously and with just one suitcase and hand bag. I'll talk to her in the morning but for now I'll give her a good nights rest.

"Who was it?" Finn asked as I walked back in

"Lily and she's sleeping here tonight" I inform him while grabbing some blankets

"What?" Finn said rubbing his eyes

"I'll explain later but let me get her a pillow" I said walking out with three blankets

I set up the couch for her since Noah is sleeping in the guest room and Delilah is in her nursery. She smiles grateful and gets bundled up.

"We'll discuss more in the morning but for now, good night" I tell her half asleep

She just nods and thanks me again. I feel a little better knowing I'm helping her out, but very irritated because the one night Delilah sleeps through, I get that. It's okay, she's my mother and she needs me so of course I'll help.

"Come here babe" Finn wise pulling me in

"I'm so tired" I say yawning

He kisses my head and yawns as well while holding me close

"Good night Rach, love you"

"Mmm love you too" I cuddle up to him

Winter Break is great

In the morning

Okay so I'm not as tired, but I'm not completely awake either. I walk into the living room to find Noah and our mom in a conversation. It is a rare thing for him to talk to her. So this is good. Finn was still sleeping but I made him go check on the baby.

"Good morning" I greet them

"Morning baby sis," Noah said sipping coffee

"You guys are all going to carols later right?" My mom asked

"Yeah we're going to eat some dinner and then bring the kids here for the night for Christmas," I inform her

"No Hanukkah?" She asks

"Well Finns not Jewish or our foster siblings, so no, majority wins" Noah answers

"Oh well have fun, I guess" she shrugs

"So where are you going to be staying from now on?" I ask her

"Well I have a job and a couple hundred bucks, so I just need to earn some more and get a little apartment, but for now I have to stay in a halfway house" she says looking down

I glance at Noah and he's shaking his head no because he knows what I'm going to ask. But he's right I shouldn't, at least not without asking Finn.

"I'll be right back" I politely excise myself

I walk towards the nursery and see Finn in his plaid pajamas with Delilah in his arms. But I hear him giving her a little pep talk so I decided to wait a little.

"Listen, I know it's Christmas and there's a little thing called mistletoe, but do not, I repeat, do not kiss a boy ever, I don't care how old you are but you have your momma's eyes and god knows what I was thinking when I saw her, so no boys, ever, agreed? Agreed" he practically lectured her

I couldn't help but smile at how cute he was being.

"So what about my eyes?" I ask while walking in

He turns around with Delilah peacefully staring up at him with her big brown eyes.

"Well you see they have this natural beauty to them that just draws you in and well our daughter does look like you and if she's anything like her mom, I might have to purchase a gun to scare off all those boys that are going to be chasing after her" he smiled at me

"You are insane" I giggle and peck his lips

"Insane for you babe" he smirks

"But on a serious note, how would you feel about lily living with us while she looks for new apartments ?" I ask him

"Wait, here? Like our apartment?" He questioned with Delilah pouting at the sudden loss of attention

"Yeah" I bite my lip

"Well if she's go to be looking for a new home, I don't see why not" he shrugged

I jumped up and clapped a little. I kissed him on the cheek

"You're the best, mwah!" I said kissing him all over

Delilah just repeated what I did and jumped up in Finns arms

"I'll go tell her right now!" I said excited

Hopefully this turns out to be a good thing for all of us.

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