The Start of a Beautiful Friendship

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It was Friday the last day of the week before Robert and Eva come back. It's also the day I get back at Noah. He thinks I've forgotten, but oh trust me I haven't forgotten. In fact they'll get my surprise during the party. Santana and Britney are helping me too, so this should be fun.

I would've asked Quinn since she's dating Finn and Finn and I are are really good friend. But for some reason she just hates my guts. I think it's because she thinks I'm dating my brother, which ugh, instant puke, but it still doesn't make sense because she's dating Finn. That girl is one complicated puzzle I don't want to solve.

"You excited for the party on Friday, rach?" Finn asks me as we walk down the hall

"Oh you have no idea" I smile

"What's going on in that little head of yours?" Finn asks me

I just smile mischievously. Oh trust me finny boy, you don't want to know.

Santana POV
I was walking with Brit and cedes when I saw orca talking to my girl Berry. I glanced at the girls because you can practically see the chemistry between them. It is literally the most obvious thing that Finn is in love with Rachel, well except to them.

But I'm still excited for the party. The boys think Rachel forgot about what happened a couple days ago, but she has not, and it's going to be hilarious. Speaking of one of the evil twins, here's puck walking with some football buddies.

"Um, San, do you see what he's doing!???" Mercedes whispered

I saw puck just stop and all the guys stopped and glanced over too Finn and Rachel, who were so obviously enjoying each other's company. Let me just say puck does not look happy. It's kind of funny

"Oh no! He's going to ruin Finchel!" Britney whispers

We see him walk over to Finn and Rachel and he just grabs Finn by the ear and drags him away from Rachel. Rachel looks horrified. I couldn't help it, but I started laughing.

Like really laughing.

Return to Rachel POV
I see Noah drag Finn away. It frustrates me so much, and Santana laughing her butt off is not helping. He always does this! He manages to agree to let me make guy friends, and when I do, he goes and does that.

All I was doing was talking to Finn! Like what people do in normal friendships! Ugh why does my brother have to ruin everything!!!

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