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It's been a week since the party, and all I can say is awkward. Finn avoids me and I avoid him too. We may have agreed to tell no one, but that doesn't make it any less awkward for each other. Quinn's always over him too, and when I'm near he always glances at me, then she gets pissed for not paying attention and starts yelling at him.

Right now I'm in glee trying to hide my face. Finn apparently decided to join, when Sam joined for Mercedes, and Noah found out and decided to join to keep an eye on Finn, and then Quinn joined to do the same thing. So now we have twelve people.

It's still awkward. Also at home Robert and Eva have been getting angrier more quickly than usual. So Noah's been getting beat pretty bad. It makes me want to cry, not gonna lie, sometimes I do.

"Rachel you'll be playing Janet"

That caught my attention, I guess I was daydreaming again

"What?" I whispered to myself

Then Santana and Brittany leaned in,

"We're doing rocky horror, and I'm playing magenta and you're playing Janet-but wait it gets better, guess who your Brad is?" She smirked

Something tells me she knows about last week. Which is impossible since I haven't whispered a word to anyone.

"No, just no" I shook my head

"Yup, lumps the clown is going to be your love interest" she smiled evilly

"The universe hates me" I whispered

"Or it loves you, just like you love Finn" Brit whispered as Santana made kissy faces

"Shut up!" I whispered at them

"And you're rocky is going to be Sam Evans" Mr.Schue finished

"What! no way! mr.Schue this is outrageous " Quinn stood up "I should be Janet! Finns my boyfriend" she said furious

"Sorry, Quinn but I already gave the part too Rachel, so sit down" he said stern

Quinn crosses her arms and took a seat, then she glared at me and growled-she literally growled, GROWLED

"Kurt, would you like to play the role of frankfurter?" Mr.Schue asked him

"No, fishnets and high heel boots, aren't really my style" he argued

Santana snickered,

"Why?cause that look was last season?" She asked rhetorically

"Santana play nice, Kurt's a friend" I scolded her

"Fine" she grumbled while slouching

I shot Kurt my famous million dollar smiles, and he smiles back, but when I was turning my head I noticed Finn looking at me. When I caught him he blushed and looked away.

I heard a smack, and I quickly turned to find Finn rubbing his head as Noah glared at him, then Quinn caught on and huffed while slapping him on the arm.

Poor Finn-wait what am I saying? He was probably staring at Santana or Brittany, but definitely not me. I mean sure we sleep together and my brother doesn't know due to obvious reasons, but he probably forgot all about me and has moved on.


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