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Ten years ago

"Can I get a costume?" She asked him excited

"No" he answered quickly

"Fine can I go trick or treating!??" She asked him once more

"No" he replied annoyed already

"Then can I at least watch a movie?" She asked knowing the answer

"N-O! Go too sleep or something" he pushed her down

All she wanted was to do something fun for Halloween, and ever since they placed them in this new foster care it's been terrible. This family won't celebrate Halloween or Christmas, well for her Hanukkah, or even New Years! She really likes Halloween too.

"Here Rachel, I got an idea" the big brother told her as she silently wiped away the tears

"What?" She whispered before she got in trouble again

"Go put on your pajamas and I'll grab the empty pillowcase and we can go on our own!" He said hopeful

"But what would I dress up as?" She asked him

"I don't know a baby? Here I'll do the pigtails you liked so much" he said combing her hair out

The little girl sat criss crossed as her brother attempted to do two pigtails.


"Alright let's go" her brother said walking out with the pillowcase

The little girl walked out excited as her brother held her hand. It was a pretty okay neighborhood, compared to what they had to deal with in the past. She skipped up and down excited to finally be able to get some, candy. As much as he loved to taunt his little sister, he also loved to see her smile.

"Aren't you happy I'm such an awesome big brother?" He smiled

"Only by two minutes!" She clarified but then she shyly smiled "but yes, I love you Noah!" She hugged him

It didn't take much for anyone to see they didn't have the best of a home life, but at least they had each other.

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