Family Matters

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"Ughhhh, I still don't get it! I'm so dumb!"

Tony yelled as I was helping him with math. He's smart, he just doesn't know it yet. He's like Noah. They have all this potential, but none of the self motivation.

"Come on, I know you already know the answer," I tell him

He looks up at me for a minute and then he looks down. I showed him the example I did, and he started writing. When he was done I looked at it, and I felt proud.

"Well, it looks like it right!" I yelled excited

"Yes!" He said then he hugged me "thanks rachie," he sits hugging me

Alexa was asleep and Rick was reading Bridget a story, while Erick was brushing his teeth. The only person missing was Noah, and right on cue,

"Little sister, I'm home!!!" He yelled

I rolled my eyes and he slowly poked his head in the door

"Also, Eva and Robert are gone for the week, so don't come in the living room, I brought someone" he said

"Can I go? I still need to brush my teeth" Tony asked

"Duh, little snot it's your house too" Noah said going away

I wonder who he brought. I mean it is like seven at night. Also our neighborhood isn't the nicest or friendliest part of Lima. In fact Santana lives like ten minutes away, and she lives in the worst part of town.

I'm so happy Robert and Eva are gone. Finally we can just relax and be kids. But knowing Noah he's probably going to throw a giant party. Also, since I'm a perfect sister I'm going to go into the kitchen to "get water"

"Dude, who was that lady at school today?" I heard a voice ask

I swear I felt me and my brother stiffen up at the exact same moment. It was quiet until, I heard Noah clear throat and say,

"No one important"

"Oh, sorry if it was uncomfortable, just tell me when I'm stepping my boundaries" the voice said

"It's cool man" Noah said, but I can feel the tension in his voice "anyways, top ten hottest girls in the school, go" my brother said

I rolled my eyes, of course that's what he changes the topic too. Before the mystery friend can answer I walk in, just to piss Noah off more I smile bright and say

"What a beautiful, beautiful night! Don't you agree Noah?" I smile

He gets so mad that I see him get up while I grab my water bottle. I stand still, and see Finn, Noah best friend, and I glance at Noah and see that look on his face. I know it very well. He's about to do something I'm not going to like.

I walk away still smiling,

"Now don't so something dumb Noah" I reason

Then he lunges at me, and I scream and start running. I decide to hide behind Finn since I knowing he wouldn't dare, well actually with my brother you never know.

"I told you to stay inside you little brat!" Noah said

"I never agreed!" I argued

"Come here, you ginormous geek" he yelled

"No!!!" I yelled screaming

I see Finn staring at us in a mix of shock and amusement,

"Ahhhhh!!!" Noah yelled after me

I was always the fast runner until Noah joined football. So now here I am on the ground near Finn as Noah puts his armpit in my face.

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