Hey there Deliliah

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Yesterday was the worst. I couldn't stay with Finn anymore because we got in fight. It kills me to be like this with him. Especially because Santana is driving me crazy with her rambling about how Brittany is "such a sexy dancer with the nicest butt"

I love her but when she talks about Brittany 24/7 it reminds me why we all need our space now and then.

But this fight with Finn, it's going to be the death of me I know it. It was such a small thing that turned into a big deal for no reason. But too be fair he was the one being stubborn!


"So what we just like interview people who might take out baby?" Finn asked me as we sat at the small table in the blue room

"Yes, you can ask them anything that's appropriate" I inform him "also like we discussed in the car we do not want an open adoption" I nod confirming my answer

"Why? Why would it be such a bad thing if we kept contact" Finn asked for the millionth time since I told him

"Because, it'll just hurt too much, I rather go on and not confuse her because we want to be selfish and constantly be around!" I harshly whisper as the door opens

"Finn and Rachel this is Karen and Zachery James" Joanne introduced

We stood up shook hands, the usual,

"So what are your jobs?" Finn asked them

"Well Karen does interior decorating and I run a sports store near Lima" Zachary answers

"I can't have kids, and we really really wanted a girl so we will be sure to love and cherish your little girl" Karen informed us, almost sounding desperate

"Oh well I'm sorry to hear and we appreciate your willingness to take our daughter in" Finn says sincere but not really because he empathized our

"How long have you two been together?" I ask

"Seven years" Karen answers proudly

These two really are the ideal couple to me Karen has a small nose and Zachary has light brown hair like me, This baby would never question if these two are their parents. They have so much love and respect for each other too, so they'd be setting a good example for her.

"Not that we're assuming you'll choose us, but if you were too, would an open adoption be okay? We'd just really want her to at least see what you looked like, so if she ever does question where she's from she'd have answers" Karen smiled




These were the two words heard from Finn and I. Although I a little surprised considering I told him that we can't be selfish about this. So of course I get ticked off but try not to show it. It gets extremely awkward but we manage to leave the agency without anything burning.

I walked to the car in a foul mood and Finns the cause, so of course I have to express my feelings as to what the hell happened in there.

"What were you doing!??" I ask pissed "we agreed on closed adoption!" I yell at him

He turns to face me just as mad,

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