A phone call

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It's been a couple of months, and I'm finally starting to show. My bump is getting really big really fast. After Finn sang that song in glee club, I've really been thinking about him and us, as a couple.

He's also agreed to give the baby up, so Im very grateful, I know how hard it was for him. Last week we agreed on the James family. We think they will be the perfect parents for our baby. All we have to do is tell them.

But the only big thing is that Finn and I want to hold off on signing the papers. We want to wait until she is born.

"Finn can you do me a huge favor.."

Before I could finish asking he started rubbing my feet. It's exactly what I wanted. You see being pregnant is not fun at all, it's not like the movies, In fact it's awful. My back hurts, my boobs are getting swollen, I can't feel my feet and the morning sickness is killing me.

"Ohh, thank you sooo much" I sigh

"I know how much your feet hurt, but I have a question for you" he begins the conversation

I've been living with Finn for almost four months now and his mom is always working. But she secretly goes on dates with Burt Hummel sometimes. Finn doesn't need to know yet.

"Ask away" I relax a little

"Are we going to tell the James family tomorrow? I just want to know" he asks almost scared of my reaction

It hurts to know that my baby isn't going to be my baby in a couple of months. But we can't keep her, if the circumstances were different I'd definitely keep her, but they're not.

"The sooner the better, so yes" I respond calm

Everyday it kills me knowing that I won't be able to keep my baby girl. That I will spend the rest of my life without her, and she won't even know my name. Let alone that I exist.

But this is all for the better, so I can't keep dwelling on the negative. I should start looking at the positive side, like the fact that she will be living with parents who love each other and will love her, they're also going to be able to provide her the best of the best. So it's all for the better.

Ring ring

I look at my phone and it's Noah so I quickly answer


Rach, it's lily, she's in jail


Yeah, she just called me she's begging me to let you know that she didn't miss your lunch date on purpose, I'm heading to the prison right now

Well if you're heading down there, I'll go with you

No, I don't want you going to the prison, but I need you to stay out of it if she calls you

Noah, I'm going wether you like it or not

I quickly hang up before he protests. There's only one prison in Lima so I know where we'll be going. He can't call me up and expect me not to go. Obviously I need to know what happened.

"Finn I'm going to need you to take me to jail" I tell him as I get ready

"What? Have you officially lost it as a pregnant woman?" He questioned

"No you knucklehead, I'm going to visit my mother, she's asking for me" I tell him

"Rachel do you really think it's a good idea? I mean it sounded like puck was taking care of it" Finn tried to reason

"My brother is an idiot, I have to go too" I say ticked off

Ever since I found out I was pregnant, every little thing just sets me off. Finn knows this so why is he testing my patience??

"Alright I will drive you, but I'm going with you too" he tells me

"Fine" I relent, otherwise we'd never leave

I don't know visiting hours so I have to get there soon. I wonder what her excuse is now? She probably fell of the sober wagon and got caught. Would not surprise me.

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