I'm Not a Little Girl Anymore

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Noah was pulling on my arms and dragging me too the car. I still can't get over the fact that he basically blew my secret in front of the whole glee club, and didn't let me tell Finn.

He probably hates me, and he probably doesn't even want to be apart of this child's life. I do know that Noah won't be speaking to me for a while as well.

Noah threw me in the car and was about to open the drivers seat when I see Finn rush outside. He's all bruised up from Noah. I try to get out to explain but Noah locked the car and put it on secure lock, so I won't get out. Then he went over to Finn.

I could even hear him screaming from the car,


"Just let me talk to her!" Finn yelled back

I was banging on the car door trying to unlock myself but it wouldn't budge. So I climbed to the drivers seat and unlocked myself. Then I ran out in between them before Noah started hitting Finn again.

"JUST STOP! Ok? I'm not a little girl anymore, Noah! I'm sorry that it took this to make you realize that, but you can't always treat me with kid gloves, Im having a baby, Finns baby, and I'm sorry this happened but I can't take it back, so please just accept that" I say scared of what he'll do, and almost crying

He just stares at me and he has such a look of disappointment. It breaks my heart to know what that look is, and who it's for right now. I'm standing in front of Finn, watching my brother walk away from me without saying another word.

I feel so hurt and ashamed, I have disappointed the one family member that has ever looked out for me and took care of me, when no one else would, and now he's gone.

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