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After the appointment yesterday I've really been debating wether I want too give her up. I always said if I were to have a baby, I wold want a girl, and now I do. I just want her to have the best life she could.

But now I can't help but think maybe I could keep her. Would it really be so bad if Finn and I decided to raise her? I mean I'm going to go meet with lily right now and she offered to take us in, who knows

"Rachel I still say you don't go" Noah says following me

I continued to walk into the house to change into something nicer. Finn was close behind as well.

"Wait, go where?" Finn asked worried

"To go have lunch with lily" Noah said mad

"Whose lily?" Finn asked as I rolled my eyes at Noah

"Our mom" Noah replied

All I did was put the yellow dress back on and walk past them both. I don't care what Noah says, I'm going to eat lunch with lily and it is going to be the start of a new and better relationship.

"I am going and I am going to have an amazing time!" I yell at them both

Quickly I go and begin walking to Breadstix. I'm going too discuss real matters with her and ask her if that room is still available. I have decided Rachel Berry-Puckerman is going to keep her baby.

At Breadstix

"Table for two, under the name lily" I tell the waitress

"Right this way" she directs me towards the table near a window

"I'll wait for her to arrive" I inform the waitress

I take a seat across from the chair and wait. Maybe there's traffic, or something. I'm sure she has a perfectly valid reason as to why she's not here yet.

Twenty min. Pass

"Would you like anything to drink?" The waitress asks kindly

"Just water please" I smile kindly

She should be here any minute. I won't order till she gets here.. The waitress comes back with my water and I smile,

"Thank you" I tell her

I sip my water patiently. I take a couple more looks outside the window. Maybe she's walking and she lives far. I mean it took me like twenty minutes walking, maybe she's walking too.

Fifteen more minutes pass

"I'm sorry to ask, but are you sure she's coming sweetie?" The waitress asked

"Yeah, she promised, so she is coming" I say hopeful

The waitress nod understandingly and walks away. Maybe just five more minutes. What if I'm too care free? What if she was an accident? What if someone stole her car? What if someone jumped her? Maybe somethings happened. But she would've called right?

Who am I kidding she's the same woman she was twelve years ago. I should've never come in the first place. I'll leave the poor waitress a tip, I've probably wasted her time too.

*leaves ten dollars

How could I be so stupid? Of course she didn't come. Noah was right, she's the same disappointment from before, and I was dumb enough to believe her.

"Rachel, wait!" I hear behind

I stop walking so fast and he grabs my arm. I don't want to look at him. I don't want to see him and have him wear that "I told you so" face he does

"Come in Rach, I'll take you home" he said

I slowly turn to face him and try to hide my tears. But I couldn't help it so he just hugs me instead. I cry and cry and cry.

"You were right Noah, I'm sorry" I cry harder

"Don't be sorry, it's her lost" he runs my hair like he always did when we were small

All this, has made my decision more clearer. So I pull away from Noah,

"Take me to the adoption agency"

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