You're a very popular girl

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It's been almost a week since Delilah was born. We've learned that she's a very fussy baby, all she does is cry! I love my baby, but I also love sleep.

Burt also asked us all to move in with him and Kurt. It was a very nice gesture but Carol wasn't having. Not unless he had a nursery for Delilah, since he loves Carol so much he and Finn started building one asap. So now we're living with them.

I am so very grateful and Noah always visits along with Santana and Brittany. I think besides seeing Delilah, they stop by so much because I've kind of taken a time out from school now that we have Delilah.

"Rachel are you sure I can't stay with you two today" Finn asked me

Delilah was finally sleeping in her crib next to our bed. So we were speaking in hushed tone.

"No, she already has one parent at home, she doesn't need another" I inform him

"But why can't we both go to school and just bring her with us" he whined

"Finn she's one week old!" I scold him silently

"Soooo, she's our kid so she's pretty strong for her age" he winked

I just looked at him and playfully rolled my eyes, but before I could respond he pulled me down to him on the bed.

"Finn!" I squealed a little, smacking him on the chest "you almost made me wake up the baby" I laughed a little

"What? If I hadn't done that, I wouldn't be able to do this" he smiled pulling me in for a kiss

I gladly kissed him back, it felt so perfect but then I remembered that he should be downstairs getting ready to leave for school! So I pulled away

"Why did you stop?" He pouted

"Just because I agreed being your girlfriend after that little one popped out doesn't mean your excused from school, so get to it mister" I said pushing him out

"Oh come on, can you at least tell me when you're coming back?" He asked while changing his shorts and looking for some boxers

"Bottom left drawer, and I don't know yet, I'm thinking in two weeks tops" I answer

He opened the drawer and pulled out his blue boxers and some jeans

"Thanks babe, but anyway, shouldn't you be coming in sooner, I mean after this week that'll be three weeks you missed" he asked

"Well I still have too find a sitter while we're at school Finn, and lil needs me" I explain

"Okay fine, but just come back soon," he kissed me and then grabbed his backpack

"So not that I don't love living here, but we should probably look for an apartment soon because I don't think Kurt or Burt like hearing Delilah cry in the middle of the night"

I tell Finn when he was by the door. He stopped for a second to think about and quickly nodded to my plan.

"Agreed, plus how are we ever suppose to be getting lucky with them around" he whispered

"Finn last time we got lucky we got one of those" I said pointing to the crib "I don't think that's our main problem right now" I said getting up

I should probably take a shower. I smell like baby and exhaustion. Being a mom at seventeen is great. Now I just need to finish junior year and head on too senior year. Yay.

"Well learn lots today at school," I kiss Finn again and he smiles at me

"I will, love you guys" he kissed back and walked out

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