Glee club

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It's been a hard nine months, but it's finally here. The month that our, er, the baby is born. I hate seeing Noah or Finn or Santana or Kurt get excited, because in the end she'll be gone.

Now that my due date is approaching, the idea that I won't be a mother is really making me struggle. I cam barely focus on school work. Or Quinn. I know what you're thinking, what does Quinn have to do with anything? Well that bitch is screwing with my brothers head.

Just yesterday he was so distraught because he saw her flirting with about three different guys in front of him.


No one gets to humiliate my brother like that. Especially because he never actually catches feeling for one girl and one girl only.

"What's with the face?" Santana asks

"Yeah you don't look very happy" Britt observes "did you fall off a tree too?" She asks

"No, I'm pregnant and I'm mad because all I can think about is how Quinn is hurting Noah" I tell them

"Wait, puck has a thing for Quinn?" Santana asks

"Don't make fun of him, only I get to mess around with him and at least I'm his sister so I don't play with his emotions like that bitch, so I'm going to create a plan" I inform them

"No offense Rachel but the last time we created a plan that had something to do with your brother you ended up pregnant" Santana told me

"Well what's your bright idea to take her down Einstein?" I ask her

"Why don't you let me do the talking " Santana smirked

"Okay just don't kill her, I want to do that myself" I agree

"Rachel, I choose you, attack!" Brittany yelled

We looked at her confused until I realized she had seen Quinn walking by. Now I understand, and if I weren't pregnant, I would attack.

"Let's just go to practice," Santana said noticing my clenched first

"Agreed" I answer walking to the choir room

"Aww, I really wanted to see them battle" Brittany pouted

"I know babe, I know" Santana rubbed her back

I just smiled at how cute they were. I wish Finn would say he had feelings for me, but that's probably never going to happen. When I sat down I felt something funny in my big belly. It's probably nothing.

"So regionals are coming up soon, so Brittany will you lead us for the dance?" Mr.Schue asked

Regionals is literally the day right before my due date. So it's a little panicking for me because I don't know of that's okay.but might as well practice the dance.

"Ah" I hold my stomach it kind of hurt but I just ignored it

"Are you okay Rachel?" Sam asked

"I'm fine," I told him

We continued dancing for about half an hour, and the pain only got worse. It also quickened. I think I'm going into labor but I really hope I'm not. It's too early. Two weeks early.

"Rachel you need to sit down" Santana noticed

"I'm fine!" I yelled

Everyone turned to look. Finn started walking towards me, and that's when I knew,

"Oh no" I whisper

"Oh my god! Rachel, you're water just broke!" Kurt exclaimed

That's when I felt another contraction rip through me

"Oh my god" I gripped onto Finn "this freaking hurts" I yelled

Mr.Schue quickly rushed me out of there with Finn next to me.

"Santana go get her a wheelchair!" Mr.schue yelled

"Make it stop!!" I yelled as they became closer apart

"I'm right here Rach I promise" Finn kissed my hand

"Oh god, please, just get me to a damn hospital!" I shouted through the halls

We were walking carefully because well, apparently I'm going into labor and well it freaking hurts. Santana shakes up with a wheelchair right as we exited. There was steps to Finns parking spot so that chair came in handy.

"OH HOLY MOSES," I yelled

Santana and Noah showed up behind and sat in the backseat with me as Finn drove like a mad man. Mr.schue told everyone to go to the hospital. But man does this hurt.

"AHHHH, DRIVE FASTER" I shouted the whole car ride

"It's okay Rachel, just think happy thoughts" Noah tried to comfort me


I guess today's the day our baby is born. They sit me in a room and the doctor finally arrives.

"About time" Finn sighs out because I'm practically turning his hand blue

"Let's take a look" dr.wu said

He looked down there as I continued to hell out in pain

"Well it seems as though you are dilated ten centimeters so we'll start prepping you up, Rachel how long have you been having contractions?" He asked me

"Um I don't know like an hour or two" I sweated

Yup that's right folks I was freaking sweating. You know what's even better, I haven't even started pushing yet. They helped prep me up and everything freaking hurt.

"Okay well, that baby is ready to meet us today, so you ready?" Dr.Wu asked as I was ready

"Yes! Just get her out of me!!" I yelled while squishing Finns hand

Santana was here too. She helped wipe the sweat.

"Okay are you ready?" He asked me

"NO" I yelled as the wave of pain hit me

I freaking hate giving birth already

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